There will be a practice session from 7:30pm on Wednesday 22nd of November in the Jane Harrison room (note: not the Barbara White room) of Newnham College. The M&S will be “delayed” (will there be two?)
There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on Wednesday 22nd of November; please ask someone if you’d like to join, or use the address posted to the mailing list.
The meeting of Wednesday 29th of November will be the Charles Relle Trophy.
Tuesday 14th of November 2023
The Bombardier Joogs will be held from 7:30pm on Wednesday 15th of November in the Barbara White Room of Newnham College.
There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on Wednesday 15th of November; please ask someone if you’d like to join, or use the address posted to the mailing list if you’ve got it.
The ETwA National Handicapped Individual Pairs (NHIPper) will be held in the West Lodge/Maitland Room in E Stair of Downing College, Cambridge, on November 18th, meeting at 10am for a 10:30am start. There may be a pub crawl following the tournament.
Wednesday 8th of November 2023
The Peterhouse Pot will be held from 7:30pm on Wednesday 8th of November in the Barbara White Room of Newnham College.
Thursday 2nd of November 2023
The Arbury pub crawl will be held on Saturday 4th of November. Please be at The Fort St George in time to have purchased a drink and be ready to leave once the fireworks (which start at 7pm) end. Others will have had the same idea, so being there by 6:30pm would be clever. Don’t forget your ID if you don’t look old.
The Prospect Row pub crawl will be held on Friday 10th of November, starting in The Clarendon Arms from 7pm.
Wednesday 1st of November 2023
The Paul Thorpe will be held from 7:30pm on Wednesday 1st of November in the Barbara White Room of Newnham College. Please try to be punctual — CUTwC’s new-found popularity means there may be a lot of games to fit in and latecomers might not be accommodated.
Tuesday 24th of October 2023
The Nick Leaton novices' trophy will be held from 7:30pm on Wednesday 25th of October in the Barbara White Room of Newnham College.
The ETwA National Pairs will be held in the West Lodge and Maitland Room on the ground floor of E Staircase of Downing College, Cambridge, on the 28th and 29th of October, from 10:00am for a 10:30 squidge-off. Congress will be held on Saturday Evening. Note that there is a table fee of £5 for non-members of ETwA, although ETwA members can participate free (so you may wish to join).
Note: There will be no Zoom meeting this week.
Thursday 19th of October 2023
The Regent Street pub crawl will begin in The Grain & Hop Store at 7:00pm on Saturday October 21st.
Wednesday 18th of October 2023
There will be a practice session from 7:30pm on Wednesday 18th of October in the Jane Harrison room (note: not the Barbara White room) of Newnham College. Some attendees are likely to visit the Mill afterwards.
There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on Wednesday 18th of October; see the mailing list for details.
Tuesday 10th of October 2023
There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on Tuesday 10th of October; see the mailing list for details.
There will be a introduction/practice session on Wednesday 11th of October from 7:30pm
in the Barbara White Room of Newnham College.
The President now has Club (poly) ties and (silk) bowties in his possession; if you requested one last term, please collect one off him once you have proof you’ve paid £15 or £30 respectively to CUTwC’s account.
Sunday 1st of October 2023
CUTwC will be at the Freshers’ Fair on Parker’s Piece from 10am-4pm on Tuesday 3rd and Wednesday 4th of October. We’ll be on stall K11 in Marquee Three. Come and say hello!
There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on Tuesday 3rd of October; see the mailing list for details.
CUTwC will be holding a Freshers’ Squash from 7:30pm on Wednesday 4th of October in the Barbara White Room of Newnham College. Come along to meet us, have the game explained (or explain it, if you’re an old hand), and potentially drink punch.
CUTwC has had a reply from His Majesty Charles the Third, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of His other Realms and Territories King, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith — or at least from his Diary Manager. This asserts that he is grateful for our invitation and wishes us well, but is sadly unavailable to play in a charity match. This does, of course, mean that he has “recognised” us, at least until someone complains.
- Monday 11th of September 2023
- The NATwA Pairs will be held on Saturday October 14th in Ithaca, NY.
- The ETwA National Pairs will be held in Downing College, Cambridge, on the 28th and 29th of October.
- The ETwA National Handicapped Individual Pairs (NHIPper) will be held in Downing College, Cambridge, on November 18th.
- The NATwA Pairs will be held on Saturday December 2nd in Washington, DC.
- Monday 14th of August 2023
- The London Open will be held from 10:30am on Sunday 10th of September in The Haverstock Tavern. The London Open is a an all-play-all pairs tournament, like the National Pairs but fun. You may need to bring your own food and a mat. Public transport (Northern Line to Chalk Farm, rail to Kentish Town West, the 168 or N5 bus) is available.
Easter Term 2023
- Monday 26th of June 2023
- The Chesterton Road pub crawl will be held on Friday 30th of June, starting in Thirsty Cambridge at 7:30pm.
- Tuesday 13th of June 2023
- There
will bewas a CUTwC Zoom meeting on the evening of Tuesday 13th of June.
- The Relle will be held in The Castle Inn from 7:30pm on Wednesday 14th of June.
- The Muscovy Duck will be held on the afternoon of Saturday 17th of June, on the Cam. Details will follow.
- CUTwC ties and bow ties will be ordered imminently.
- Monday 12th of June 2023
- The Cherry Hinton pub crawl will be held on Saturday 17th of June, starting at 7:30pm in The Red Lion (Cherry Hinton).
- The Grantchester pub crawl will be held on Wednesday 21st of June, starting at 1pm in The Green Man (Trumpington).
- The Chesterton Road pub crawl will be “re-”run in the week after May Week; details TBC.
- Tuesday 6th of June 2023
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on Tuesday 6th of June; see the mailing list for details.
- The Manchester & Somerset Society Trophy will be held from 7:30pm on June 7th in the Sidgwick Hall of Newnham College. Please arrive promptly.
- The Station Road pub crawl will be held on Saturday 10th of June, starting at 7:30pm in SLINGERS Smokeworks on the corner of Station Road and Hills Road.
- Please contact the President if you have an interest in CUTwC neckwear:
- Bowties (Silk) — £30
- Bowties (Polyester) — £22
- Ties (Silk) — £27
- Ties (Polyester) — £15
- Tuesday 30th of May 2023
- There
will be was a Zoom meeting on the evening of Tuesday 30th of May.
- The final of Cuppers will be held from 7:30pm on May 31st between The Carnovsky Cats and Qwxcl, in the Sidgwick Hall of Newnham College. The Paul Thorpe (University Pairs) will also be contested (by players not in those teams). Please arrive promptly.
- Tuesday 23rd of May 2023
- The Annual General Meeting will be held in The Red Bull from 7:30pm on Wednesday 24th of May. Please send quotations and willingness to stand for election to Bertie.
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on Thursday 25th of May; see the mailing list for details.
- CUTwC won the Varsity Match 75½-36½, and are smug. OUTS seem enthusiastic, and we hope there’ll be another one next year.
- Friday 19th of May 2023
- The Varsity Match will be held in the Swire Seminar Room of University College Oxford on Saturday 20th of May from 10am.
- Tuesday 16th of May 2023
- The Paul Thorpe (University Pairs) will be held on the evening of Wednesday May 17th in the Jane Harrison room of
Newnham College. Those expecting to be partners in the Varsity match may wish to arrange to partner each other for practice.
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on Thursday 18th of May; see the mailing list for details.
- There will be a Varsity Match in Oxford on Saturday 20th of May.
- There will be an AGM on Wednesday May 24th (location TBD, but A Pub). Regulars are obliged to attend. Please contact Bertie to run for any Committee position or propose Constitutional amendments.
- The final of Cuppers will be held on May 31st – teams who have not played all their qualifying games yet should endeavour to do so before then.
- Tuesday 9th of May 2023
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on Tuesday 9th of May; see the mailing list for details.
- The Peterhouse Pot will be held at 7:30pm on Wednesday 10th of May in Sidgwick Hall of Newnham College.
- Tuesday 2nd of May 2023
- The Bombardier Joogs will be held on the evening of Wednesday May 3rd in the Jane Harrison room of
Newnham College.
- There will be a Varsity Match in Oxford on Saturday 20th of May.
- There will be an AGM on Wednesday May 24th.
- We have a provisional schedule for the rest of the term:
- Wednesday May 10th
- The Peterhouse Pot
- Wednesday May 17th
- The Paul Thorpe
- Wednesday May 24th
- The AGM
- Wednesday May 31st
- The Cuppers final
- Wednesday June 7th
- The M & S
- Wednesday June 12th
- The Relle
- The SEPTIC garden party will be held from 12:30pm on Sunday 18th of June at the Barrie residence; see the mailing list (or ask) if you need to know where that is.
- Tuesday 25th of April 2023
- There will be a practice session at 7:30pm on Wednesday 26th of April in Sidgwick Hall of Newnham College.
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on Wednesday 26th of April; see the mailing list for details.
- There will be a Varsity Match this term — probably either the 20th or 27th of May. Please tell Maja (at the next meeting) or Bertie (by email) if you have an opinion on preferred dates.
- There will be an AGM at some point this term — possibly on May 18th, but depending on the date of the Varsity match.
- Monday 24th of April 2024
- The ETwA Teams of Four will be held in The Old Dispensary Ely on Saturday August 12th.
- The ETwA National Pairs will be held in Downing College, Cambridge, on the 28th and 29th of October.
- The ETwA National Handicapped Individual Pairs (NHIPper) will be held in Downing College, Cambridge, on November 18th.
- Thursday 6th of April 2023
- The Club Dinner will be beginning at 7pm.
- Monday 3rd of April 2023
- World Singles 74 will be held from 1pm on Friday 21st of April 2023 in the Wilkins Room of Downing College.
- The ETwA National Singles will be held on the weekend of April 22nd-23rd.
- The Club Dinner will be held on the Saturday evening in the Graduate Hotel (at a time TBA).
- The ETwA Teams of Four will be held on August 12th.
- The ETwA National Pairs will be held on the weekend of October 28th-29th.
- The ETwA National Handicapped Individual Pairs (NHIPper) will be held on November 18th.
- Wednesday 22nd of March 2023
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on Wednesday 22nd of March (and, out of term, subsequent Wednesdays, pending further information); see the mailing list for details.
- There is a CUTwC TikTok channel. God help us all.
Lent Term 2023
- Wednesday 15th of March 2023
- Cuppers is apparently not happening this evening alongside the Relle; the final will be next term instead.
- Tuesday 14th of March 2023
- The Charles Relle Trophy will be held in The Granta from 7:30pm on Wednesday 15th of March; squidgers are needed. It has not yet been announced whether the Cuppers final will also happen.
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on Thursday 16th of March; see the mailing list for details.
- Friday 10th of March 2023
- This evening’s pub crawl has been cancelled due to illness and lack of availability; it will be rescheduled for next term, when hopefully Alcademy will be open!
- Wednesday 8th of March 2023
- The Manchester & Somerset Society Trophy, deferred from last week, will be held in the Barbara White Room of Newnham College from 7:30pm tonight (8th of March). Please bring mats and winks. There will likely also be some Cuppers games going on.
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on Wednesday 8th of March; see the mailing list for details.
- Next week’s meeting will be the Relle, in “a pub”, possibly with the Cuppers final.
- Tuesday 7th of March 2023
- The Chesterton Road pub crawl will be held on Friday 10th of March, starting at 7:30pm in Thirsty Cambridge, since Alcademy is believed not yet to be open.
- Thursday 2nd of March 2023
- Quoth the ETwA T.O. of the NHIPper on Saturday:
As this tournament consists of 7 rounds, we ideally want to get things going ASAP on the day. As such we won’t wait until 10:30am to do a draw and start the first round. All games in the first round are to be started no later than the previously advertised squidge off time of 10:30am. This means that if you want to be in the draw for the first round, I would highly recommend aiming to arrive for 10am. The aim is to play 3 rounds before lunch if at all possible.
- Tuesday 28th of February 2023
- The Manchester & Somerset Society (University Singles) Trophy will be held alongside more cuppers games on the evening of Wednesday 1st of March, from 7:30pm (promptly)
in the Barbara White Room of Newnham College. Friendly games may involve trying out a chess clock.
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on Thursday 2nd of March; see the mailing list for details.
- A reminder that the ETwA National Handicapped Individual Pairs (NHIPper) will be held on Saturday 4th of March from (10am-for-)10:30am
in the Barbara White Room of
Newnham College.
- Tuesday 21st of February 2023
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on Tuesday 21st of February; see the mailing list for details.
- The Bombardier Joogs will be contested on Wednesday 22nd of February from 7:30pm
in the Barbara White Room of Newnham College.
- The Half Life will be held in The Castle Inn from 2pm on Saturday 25th of February (though expect to meet earlier for lunch).
- The Castle Hill pub crawl will be held that evening, starting in The Travellers Rest at 7pm.
- The ETwA National Handicapped Individual Pairs will be held on Saturday 4th of March from (10am-for-)10:30am
in the Barbara White Room of
Newnham College.
- Tuesday 14th of February 2023
- There will be a practice session on Wednesday 15th of February from 7:30pm
in the Barbara White Room of Newnham College.
- The Town Centre pub crawl will be held on Thursday 16th of February, starting at The Regal at 7:30pm.
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on Thursday 16th of February; see the mailing list for details.
- A reminder that the Cambridge Open is confirmed as being held on the weekend of 18th and 19th February in Selwyn Diamond, meeting from 10am for a 10:30am squidge-off.
- Tuesday 7th of February 2023
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on Thuesday 7th of February; see the mailing list for details.
- The Paul Thorpe Trophy will be contested on Wednesday 8th of February from 7:30pm
in the Barbara White Room of Newnham College. Some S.U. Sabbaticals are apparently expected, which presumably means they haven’t turned up the last few times.
- Monday 6th of February 2023
- The Town Centre pub crawl will be held on Thursday 16th of February, starting at The Regal at 7:30pm.
- Wednesday 1st of February 2023
- The CUTwC annual dinner will not be on February 18th (the Saturday evening of the Cambridge Open); it has been deferred due to lack of availability and (now) notice. The dinner will likely be held alongside either a NHIPper (later this term) or the National Pairs (early next term).
- We have a schedule for the term, which with the dinner arrangements resolved it is probably now safe to share:
- Monday January 16th
- Refreshers Fair (Guildhall, 10am-4pm) and Club Birthday
- Wednesday January 18th
- Practice session (especially for Refreshers) (Barbara White Room, 7:30pm)
- Friday January 20th
- Mill Road pub crawl (Brook, 7:30pm)
- Wednesday January 25th
- Practice (and visiting SU sabbaticals) (Barbara White Room, 7:30pm)
- Thursday January 26th
- Cuppers deadline
- Saturday January 28th
- King Street pub crawl (Wrestlers, 7:30pm)
- Wednesday February 1st
- Peterhouse Pot (Barbarah White Room, 7:30pm)
- Wednesday February 8th
- Paul Thorpe (Barbarah White Room, 7:30pm)
- Wednesday February 15th
- Practice (Jane Harrison Room, 7:30pm)
- Thursday February 16th
- Town Centre pub crawl (Regal, 7:30pm)
- Saturday February 18th–19th
- The Cambridge Open (Selwyn Diamond, for 10:30am)
- Wednesday February 22nd
- The Bombardier Joogs (Barbara White Room, 7:30pm)
- Saturday February 25th
- Provisionally, the Half Life (pm)
- The Castle Hill pub crawl (7:30pm, Traveller’s Rest)
- Wednesday March 1st
- The Manchester & Somerset Society Trophy (Barbara White Room, 7:30pm)
- Wednesday March 8th
- Practice/the final of Cuppers (provisionally) (Barbara White Room, 7:30pm)
- Friday March 10th
- The Chesterton Road pub crawl (Alcademy, 7:30pm)
- Wednesday March 15th
- The Charles Relle Trophy (possibly Jane Harrison Room, 7:30pm)
- Tuesday 31st of January 2023
- The Peterhouse Pot will be contested from 7:30pm on Wednesday 1st of February,
in the Barbara White Room of Newnham College.
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on Thursday 2nd of February; see the mailing list for details.
- Tuesday 24th of January 2023
- CUTwC will meet for a practice session on Wednesday 25th of January from 7:30pm
in the Barbara White Room of Newnham College.
- There will be a Cuppers tournament this term; the deadline for sign-up is the end of Thursday 26th of January.
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on Thursday 26th of January; see the mailing list for details.
- Monday 23rd of January 2023
- The King Street pub crawl will be held on Saturday 28th of January, starting at The Wrestlers at 7:30pm.
- Tuesday 17th of January 2023
- CUTwC will meet for a practice session on Wednesday 18th of January from 7:30pm
in the Barbara White Room of Newnham College.
- Cuppers is resuming! Sign up by January 26th.
- Sunday 15th of January 2023
- The Mill Road pub crawl will be held on Friday 20th of January, starting at The Brook at 7:30pm.
- Wednesday 11th of January 2023
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on Wednesday 11th of January. Please see the mailing list for a link.
- Thursday 5th of January 2023
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on Thursday 5th of January. Please see the mailing list for a link.
- Wednesday 28th of December 2022
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on Thursday 29th of December. Please see the mailing list for a link.
- Wednesday 21st of December 2022
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm today, Wednesday 21st of December. Please see the mailing list for a link.
- Tuesday 13th of December 2022
- ETwA has a (2022) Christmas advert on YouTube!
- Monday 12th of December 2022
- The Hot Green Beany will be held from 7:30pm on Monday 12th of December, starting in The Empress (corner of St Philip’s Road and Thoday Street, near Mill Road). For the uninitiated, the Hot Green Beany is a traditional end-of-year bonus pub crawl (it does not “count" towards the normal pub tour) of venues with trivia machines, where CUTwC fails to win enough money to buy poppadoms at a subsequent curry. The name comes from Droogs, who on being presented with a chicken jalfrezi at the end of the crawl asked “what are these hot green beany things?" This year it appears that the Empress is the only pub in Cambridge still retaining a trivia machine (post-COVID), so the entire evening may be spent there, possibly with a diversion to bar billiards. One would expect curry to happen in the Curry Queen. Please don’t slip over on the ice.
Michaelmas Term 2022
- Tuesday 29th of November 2022
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on Tuesday 29th of November. Please see the mailing list for a link.
- The Charles Relle Trophy (University Drunken Mixed Pairs) will be held on the evening of Wednesday 30th of November, from 7:30pm, upstairs in The Castle Inn.
- Sunday 27th of November 2022
- The Sturton Street pub crawl will be held on Saturday 3rd of December, starting at The Dobblers Inn at 7:30pm.
- Monday 21st of November 2022
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on Tuesday 22nd of November. Please see the mailing list for a link.
- The Manchester & Somerset Society (University Singles) Trophy will be held alongside a practice session on the evening of Wednesday 23rd of November, from 7:30pm
in the Barbara White Room of Newnham College.
- Monday 14th of November 2022
- The Laundress Green pub crawl will be held on Tuesday 15th of November, starting at The Red Bull at 7:30pm.
- The Manchester & Somerset Society (University Singles) will be held on the evening of Wednesday 16th of November, from 7:30pm
in the Barbara White Room of Newnham College.
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on Thursday 17th of November.
- Tuesday 8th of November 2022
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on Tuesday 8th of November; see the mailing list for details.
- The Bombardier Joogs (University individual pairs) will be held on the evening of Wednesday 9th of November, from 7:30pm
in the Barbara White Room of Newnham College. Note: So many novices turned up that the Joogs was abandoned in favour of a practice session.
- The Laundress Green pub crawl will be held on Tuesday 15th of November, starting at The Red Bull at 7:30pm.
- Tuesday 1st of November 2022
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on Tuesday 1st of November; see the mailing list for details.
- The Peterhouse Pot (University potting contest) will be held on the evening of Wednesday 2nd of November, from 7:30pm
in the Barbara White Room of Newnham College.
- The Arbury pub crawl will be held on 5th of November, starting at The Fort St George (Midsummer Common) at 6:30pm (and heading to the Old Spring as soon as the fireworks finish, so stand near the bridge).
- Saturday 29th of October 2022
- ETwA has a new Council:
- Chair
- Harley Jones
- Treasurer
- Tim Hunt
- Secretary
- Andrew Garrard
- Winking World Editor
- Katherine Drew
- Publicity Officer
- Sarah Knight (radio/in person) / Sophie Brawn (social media)
- Tournament Organiser
- Edward Brown
- The Rules Sub-Committee now consists of Andrew Garrard, Ed Green, Tim Hunt, Harley Jones, Edward Brown & Larry Kahn.
- Monday 24th of October 2022
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30 on the evening of Tuesday 25th of October. See the mailing list for details.
- The Paul Thorpe University Pairs will be held on the evening of Wednesday 26th of October, from 7:30pm
in the Barbara White Room of Newnham College.
- Wednesday 19th of October 2022
- The term card has been published, which sets the following dates:
- Wednesday 19th of October
- The Nick Leaton (Novices’ Trophy)
- Friday 21st of October
- The Prospect Row crawl
- Wednesday 26th of October
- The Paul Thorpe (University Pairs)
- Wednesday 2nd of November
- The Peterhouse Pot (potting contest)
- Saturday 5th of November
- The Arbury Crawl
- Wednesday 9th of November
- The Bombardier Joogs (University Individual Pairs)
- Tuesday 15th of November
- The Laundress Green crawl
- Wednesday 16th of November
- The Manchester & Somerset Society Trophy (University Singles)
- Wednesday 23rd of November
- Practice
- Wednesday 30th of November
- The Charles Relle Trophy
- Saturd 3rd of December
- The Sturton Street crawl
- Tuesday 18th of October 2022
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30 this evening, Tuesday 18th of October. See the mailing list for details.
- The Nick Leaton Novices’ Trophy will be held on the evening of Wednesday 19th of October, from 7:30pm
in the Barbara White Room of Newnham College.
- Confirmation that the Prospect Row pub crawl will be held on Friday 21st of October from 7:30pm, starting in The Clarendon Arms.
- Monday 17th of October 2022
- The Prospect Row pub crawl will be held on Friday 21st of October, starting at The Clarendon Arms (Clarendon Street) at 7:30pm.
- Tuesday 11th of October 2022
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on the evening of Tuesday 11th of October; see the mailing list for details.
- The meeting of Wednesday 12th of October will be a practice session, from 7:30pm in the
Jane Harrison
Room (not the Barbara White room this week) of
Newnham College.
- The Nick Leaton Novices” Trophy will be held on the evening of Wednesday 19th of October, from 7:30pm
in the Barbara White Room of Newnham College.
- Sunday 9th of October 2022
- The Regent Street pub crawl will be held on Friday 14th of October, starting at The Grain & Hop Store (Regent Street) at 7:30pm. Crawl details and an updated crawl map will be available soon.
- Tuesday 4th of October 2022
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on the evening of Tuesday 4th of October; see the mailing list for details.
- CUTwC will be holding a freshers’ squash on the evening of Wednesday 5th of October, from 7:30pm
in the Barbara White
Room of Newnham College.
- CUTwC has been at the Freshers’ Fair held on Parker’s Piece from 10am-4pm on Tuesday 4th/Wednesday 5th of October; see CUTwC’s page and find us at indoor stall Green-H04!
- Tuesday 27th of September 2022
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on the evening of Wednesday 28th of September; see the mailing list for details.
- Tuesday 20th of September 2022
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on the evening of Wednesday 21st of September; see the mailing list for details.
- Tuesday 13th of September 2022
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on the evening of Wednesday 14th of September; see the mailing list for details.
- Tuesday 6th of September 2022
- There will be a (spicy?) Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on the evening of Wednesday 7th of September; see the mailing list for details.
- Tuesday 30th of August 2022
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on the evening of Wednesday 31st of August; see the mailing list for details.
- Tuesday 23rd of August 2022
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on the evening of Wednesday 24th of August; see the mailing list for details.
- Wednesday 17th of August 2022
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on the evening of Wednesday 17th of August; see the mailing list for details.
- Tuesday 9th of August 2022
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on the evening of Wednesday 10th of August; see the mailing list for details.
- Tuesday 2nd of August 2022
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on the evening of Wednesday 3rd of August; see the mailing list for details.
- Wednesday 27th of July 2022
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on the evening of Wednesday 27th of July; see the mailing list for details (of the meeting and cows).
- Wednesday 20th of July 2022
- The ETwA Teams of Four will be held in St Peter’s Rooms, Ely, on Saturday 20th of August, meeting at 10am for a 10:30 squidge-off.
- The London Open will be held in The Magdala Tavern, 2A S Hill Park NW3 2SB, on Sunday 4th of September.
- Tuesday 19th of July 2022
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on the evening of Wednesday 20th of July; see the mailing list for details.
- Wednesday 6th of July 2022
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on the evening of Wednesday 6th of July; see the mailing list for details.
- Thursday 30th of June 2022
- The Grantchester pub crawl will be begin at The Green Man (Trumpington) at 2:30pm on Sunday 3rd of July.
- Tuesday 28th of June 2022
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on the evening of Wednesday 29th of June; see the mailing list for details.
Easter Term 2022
- Saturday 18th of June 2022
- A reminder that the SEPTIC garden party will be held in Selwyn Fellows’ Garden from 3pm on Sunday 19th of June. Please bring a bottle of cheap white wine (or your preferred soft beverage) and optionally wear CUTwC/SEPTIC finery, and don’t get lost — the Chapel Garden Party will be happening at the same time in the lower gardens. Finery is available on request from Stew.
- Thursday 16th of June 2022
- CUTwC will meet for the Muscovy Duck on Silver St. Bridge at 3pm on Saturday 18th of June. Please bring “drinks and a strong singing voice”.
- There will be a pub crawl on the evening of Saturday 18th of June (after the Duck), starting at 7:30pm in The Earl of Derby. What could go wrong?
- Wednesday 15th of June 2022
- There will be a winks tournament, likely the ETwA Teams of Four, on Saturday 20th of August, probably in Ely.
- The London Open will be held on Sunday 4th of September.
- The ETwA National Pairs will be held in Downing College, Cambridge (in the downstairs of the Music/Tim Cadbury room) on the weekend of 29th-30th of October; ETwA Congress will be the Saturday evening.
- Tuesday 14th of June 2022
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm this evening; see the mailing list for details.
- The final of Cuppers will be held in the Fisher Foyer of St John’s from 7:30pm on Wednesday 15th of June.
- The Relle will be contested in The Castle Inn from 7:30pm on Wednesday 15th of June; latecomers from Cuppers will be compensated somehow. Please bring a squidger.
- The Muscovy Duck will be contested from 3pm on Saturday June 18th from 3pm, on the Cam. Please indicate to the President if you would like to attend so punts can be booked.
- The SEPTIC garden party will be held in Selwyn Fellows’ Garden from 3pm on Sunday 19th of June. Please bring a bottle of cheap white wine (or your preferred soft beverage) and optionally wear CUTwC/SEPTIC finery.
- Tuesday 7th of June 2022
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm this evening; see the mailing list for details.
- The Peterhouse Pot will be held from 7:30pm on Wednesday 8th of June in the Fisher Foyer of St John’s; the President will be absent, but will be attending the Relle on the 15th.
- The Cuppers final will be held at the Relle.
- Saturday 4th of June 2022
- The SEPTIC garden party has been booked for Suicide Sunday (June 19th), 3-6pm. There will likely be a Muscovy Duck on Saturday June 18th.
- Tuesday 31st of May 2022
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm this evening; see the mailing list for details.
- The Paul Thorpe will be held from 7:30pm on Wednesday 1st of June in the Fisher Foyer of St John’s.
- The AGM will be held from 7:30pm on Monday 6th of June in the function room of The Red Bull.
- Tuesday 24th of May 2022
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on Tuesday 24th of May; see the mailing list for details.
- The Bombardier Joogs will be held in the Fisher Foyer from 7:30pm on Wednesday 25th of May.
- There will be a pub crawl on Monday 30th of May, starting at 7:30pm in The Earl of Derby.
- The AGM will be held on Monday 6th of May; the location is TBA.
- Monday 16th of May 2022
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on Tuesday 17th of May; see the mailing list for details.
- The M&S will be held in the Fisher Foyer from 7:30pm on Wednesday 18th of May — please be prompt since there may be many games.
- There will be a pub crawl on Friday 20th of May, starting at 7:30pm in The Rock.
- Wednesday 11th of May 2022
- The Paul Thorpe will not be played this evening (May 11th) due to a lack of venue;
instead members are encouraged to start a pub crawl at
The Pickerel Inn
from 7:30pm (but please coordinate attendance).
- Tuesday 10th of May 2022
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on Tuesday 10th of May; see the mailing list for details.
- The schedule for the rest of the term has provisionally been released.
- Tuesday 3rd of May 2022
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on Tuesday 3rd of May; see the mailing list for details.
- There will be a practice session in the Fisher Foyer from 7:30pm on Wednesday 4th of May.
- Please notify the President if you wish any pub crawls to be re-run.
- Wednesday 27th of April 2022
- There will be no meeting on the evening of Wednesday 27th of April due to difficulty finding a venue.
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on Tuesday 3rd of May; see the mailing list for details.
- There will be a meeting in the Fisher Foyer from 7:30pm on Wednesday 4th of May.
- Tuesday 26th of April 2022
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on Wednesday 27th of April; see the mailing list for details.
- Sunday 24th of April 2022
- World Pairs 47, Patrick Barrie & Harley Jones vs Larry Kahn & Jon Mapley, will be contested in Patrick’s office in Emmanuel from 10:30am on Monday 25th of April. CUTwC spectators (especially willing to umpire) would be welcome — please contact Patrick.
- Tuesday 19th of April 2022
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on Wednesday 20th of April; see the mailing list for details.
- Wednesday 13th of April 2022
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on Wednesday 13th of April; see the mailing list for details.
- Monday 11th of April 2022
- World Pairs 46 will be contested between Kahn & Lockwood and Barrie & Jones in the Walters Room, Selwyn College, on Friday 22nd April.
- The ETwA National Singles will be held in the Music Room & Tim Cadbury Room in Downing College, Cambridge on Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th of April 2022, with a 10-for-10:30 start. Note that participants need to play in all rounds in both days (unless knocked out in the first day), so must be available.
- The Saturday will also see the Geoff Thorpe Memorial Trophy (for novices) at the same venue, for winkers who were first rated less than three years ago or who are rated below 1500 (although they can still play in the Singles); it’s not a handicapped tournament. Unlike the Singles, it’s possible to miss rounds.
- The Sunday will see the “Losers’ Plate” for the Singles, which is intended for those who have not made it through qualifying for the Singles — and for any other attendees who would like to play. It’s a handicapped individual pairs tournament, so novices should not be disadvantaged, and it’s relatively sociable. Again, it’s not obligatory to play more games than you want to.
ETwA Congress will be held on the Saturday evening. Congress has been deferred due to several members of the Council being unable to attend.
- If attending any of these, please take a lateral flow test on the morning before attending if you can (and consider wearing a mask). The room will be as ventilated as weather permits.
- Either World Pairs 47 or World Singles 73 will likely be contended on Monday 25th of April.
- Tuesday 29th of March 2022
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on Wednesday 30th of March; see the mailing list for details.
- Tuesday 22nd of March 2022
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on Tuesday 22nd of March; see the mailing list for details.
Lent Term 2022
- Tuesday 15th of March 2022
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on Tuesday 15th of March; see the mailing list for details.
- The Charles Relle Trophy will be held in The Castle Inn from 7:30pm on Wednesday 16th of March. The long table upstairs (to the left) is reserved; squidgers are required.
- Monday 7th of March 2022
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on Tuesday 8th of March; see the mailing list for details.
- The Manchester & Somerset Society Trophy (university singles) will be contested in the Lightfoot Room on the first floor of the Old Divinity School, St John’s College, from 7:30pm on Wednesday 9th of March. You may need to message the President or Alexei to be allowed in. Please try to be prompt.
- There will be a pub crawl on Saturday 12th of March, starting at 7:30pm in The Wrestlers.
- The ETwA National Singles will be held in the Music Room & Tim Cadbury Room in Downing College, Cambridge on Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th of April 2022.
- Monday 28th of February 2022
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on Tuesday 1st of March; see the list for details.
- The Peterhouse Pot will be held in the Foyer of the Fisher Building of St John’s College at 7:30pm on Wednesday 2nd of March.
- There will be a pub crawl on Thursday 2nd of March, starting in The Corner House at 7:30pm.
- Monday 21st of February 2022
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on Tuesday 22nd of February; see the list for details.
- The Bombardier Joogs will be held in the Foyer of the Fisher Building of St John’s College at 7:30pm on Wednesday 23rd of February.
- There will be a pub crawl on Thursday 3rd of March, starting at 7:30pm in The Corner House.
- Wednesday 16th of February 2022
- The Secretary’s Treat (formerly Surprise) will be held from 7:30pm on Wednesday 16th of February, in the foyer of the Fisher Building of St John’s College.
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on Thursday 17th of February; see the list for details.
- There will be a pub crawl on Friday 18th of February, starting in the Grain & Hop Store at 7:30pm.
- Tuesday 8th of February 2022
- A reminder that there will be a pub crawl on Tuesday 8th of February, starting at 7:30pm in The Brook.
- The meeting of Wednesday 9th of February will be the Paul Thorpe (university pairs), from 7:30pm in the Foyer of the Fisher Building of St John’s College.
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on Thursday 10th of February; see the list for details.
- Tuesday 1st of February 2022
- There will be a practice session in the Foyer of the Fisher Building of St John’s College on Wednesday 2nd of February.
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on Thursday 3rd of February; see the mailing list for details.
- There will be a pub crawl on Tuesday 8th of February, starting at 7:30pm in The Brook.
- Cuppers registration is now closed. Team captains should have been sent details.
- Tuesday 25th of January 2022
- The Cuppers registration deadline has been extended to 10pm on Saturday January 29th.
- There will be a Zoom meeting on Thursday January 27th from 7:30pm; see the list for details as usual.
- Monday 24th of January 2022
- Change of schedule: due to the number of novices at the Open and
the hope they’ll turn up again, Wednesday 26th of January
will now be a practice session, with the Peterhouse Pot moved to
March 2nd.
- Wednesday 19th of January 2022
- A provisional schedule for the term has been published:
- Wednesday January 19th
- Practice
- Wednesday January 26th
- Peterhouse Pot
- Friday January 28th
- Castle Hill Crawl
- Wednesday February 2nd
- Practice
- Tuesday February 8th
- Mill Road Crawl
- Wednesday February 9th
- Paul Thorpe
- Wednesday February 16th
- Secretary’s Surprise
- Friday February 18th
- Town Centre Crawl
- Wednesday February 23rd
- Joogs
- Wednesday March 2nd
- Practice
- Thursday March 3rd
- King Street Crawl
- Wednesday March 9th
- M&S
- Saturday March 12th
- Chesterton Crawl
- Wednesday March 16th
- Relle
- Tuesday 18th of January 2022
- There will be an in-person CUTwC practice meeting on the evening of Wednesday 19th of January in the foyer of the Fisher Building St John’s College from 7:30pm.
- There will be a (social) Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on Thursday 20th of January. (See the mailing list for details.)
- The Cambridge Open will be held in Selwyn Diamond on the weekend of 22nd-23rd of January 2022, starting at 10:30am on the Saturday. The format is an Individual Pairs, and very novice-friendly; it supports participating in as many rounds as you like, although you can’t miss many if you intend to win. The Club Dinner will be held on Saturday evening.
- There will be a pub crawl on Friday 28th of January, starting in the Traveller’s Rest at 7pm.
- Tuesday 11th of January 2022
- There will be a Zoom meeting on Wednesday 12th of January from 7:30pm. See the mailing list for details.
- The first in-person meeting of term will be held in the foyer of the Fisher Building St John’s College from 7:30pm on Wednesday 19th of January.
- There will be a Cuppers competition this term — details TBA.
- Tuesday 4th of January 2022
- There will be a Zoom meeting on Wednesday 5th of January from 7:30pm. See the mailing list for details.
- Wednesday 29th of December 2021
- There will be a Zoom meeting tonight from 7:30pm. See the mailing list for details.
- Wednesday 29th of December 2021
- There will be a Zoom meeting tonight from 7:30pm. See the mailing list for details.
- Wednesday 22nd of December 2021
- There will be a Zoom meeting including a quiz this evening (Wednesday 22nd of December) from 7:30pm. See the mailing list for details.
- Wednesday 15th of December 2021
- CUTwC will be at the Refreshers’ Fair
in the Corn Exchange from 10am-5pm on Monday January 17th 2022.
- Thursday 9th of December 2021
- There will be a bonus pub crawl from 2:00pm on Saturday December 11th in honour of the birthday of Ben Fairbairn, starting in the Old Ticket Office.
- There will be a Zoom meeting on Wednesday 15th of December, at 7:30pm; watch the list for details.
- Wednesday 8th of December 2021
- There will be a Zoom meeting this evening at 7:30pm.
See the mailing list for details.
Michaelmas Term 2021
- Wednesday 1st of December 2021
- The election (for at least President) will be held at the Relle in the Castle Inn this evening, after the tournament.
- There will therefore not be an EGM on Thursday.
- Monday 29th of November 2021
- There will be a Zoom meeting on the evening of Tuesday 30th of November; see the mailing list for details.
- The Charles Relle Trophy will be held in The Castle Inn from 7:30pm on the evening of Wednesday 1st of December.
- There will be an EGM from 7:30pm on Thursday 2nd of December, in the upstairs function room of The Red Bull.
- Saturday 27th of November 2021
- There will be a pub crawl on Friday 3rd of December starting at 7:30pm in The Dobblers Inn.
- Tuesday 23rd of November 2021
- The M & S will be held in The Fisher Foyer of St John’s College from 7:30pm on Wednesday November 24th; please be punctual, there are potentially a lot of games to play.
- Thursday 18th of November 2021
There will be a pub crawl on Tuesday 23rd of November starting at 7:30pm in The Red Bull.
- Wednesday 17th of November 2021
- The Cambridge Open will be held in Selwyn Diamond on the weekend of 22nd-23rd of January 2022.
- The Club Dinner will be held in the Harrison Room of Selwyn College on the evening of the 22nd.
- Tuesday 16th of November 2021
- The Sarah Knight Memorial Doodah will be held in The Fisher Foyer of St John’s College from 7:30pm on Wednesday November 17th.
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on Thursday 18th of November; see the mailing list for details.
- Tuesday 9th of November 2021
- The Peterhouse Pot (potting challenge) will be held in The Fisher Foyer of St John’s College from 7:30pm on Wednesday November 10th.
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on Thursday 11th of November; see the mailing list for details.
- We have a provisional schedule for the term:
- Wednesday October 6th
- Freshers’ Squash
- Wednesday October 13th
- Practice/training
- Wednesday October 20th
- Nick Leaton Trophy
- Monday October 25th
- Pub crawl (Regent Street)
- Wednesday October 27th
- Practice/training
- Friday October 29th
- Pub crawl (Prospect row)
- Wednesday November 3rd
- Paul Thorpe Trophy
- Friday November 5th
- Pub crawl (Arbury)
- Wednesday November 10th
- Peterhouse Pot
- Wedesday November 17th
- Sarah Knight Doodah
- Tuesday November 23rd
- Pub crawl (Laundress Green)
- Wednesday November 24th
- Manchester & Somerset Society Trophy
- Wednesday December 1st
- Relle
- Friday December 3rd
- Pub crawl (Sturton Street)
- There is also a tentative pub crawl route, if not a schedule yet.
- Tuesday 2nd of November 2021
- The Paul Thorpe (university pairs) will be held in The Fisher Foyer of St John’s College from 7:30pm on Wednesday November 3rd.
- There will be a traditional call via Zoom from 7:30pm on Thursday 4th of November.
- On Friday 5th of November there will be a pub crawl starting at 7:30pm in The Fort St George, without the traditional fireworks and hopefully queueing. The rest of the route has been rearranged due to the sinking of the Ship, so the traditional back passage near the Jenny Wren need no longer scare people; you still end in the Carlton, curry will probably still be chaos.
- Tuesday 26th of October 2021
- The meeting of Wednesday 27th of October will be a practice session in the Kathleen Lyttelton Room, Selwyn College.
- There will be a Zoom gathering at 7:30pm on Thursday 28th of October.
- Friday 22nd of October 2021
- There will be a pub crawl on Monday 25th of October starting in the Prince Regent, then another on Friday 29th of October starting in the Clarendon Arms, both at 7:30pm.
- Wednesday 20th of October 2021
- There will be a gETwAgether via Zoom from 7:00pm on Saturday 23rd of October; see the ETwA mailing list for details.
- Tuesday 19th of October 2021
- The Nick Leaton (novices’ trophy) will be held from 7:30pm on Wednesday October 20th in the Kathleen Lyttelton Room, Selwyn College (above the Porters’ Lodge).
- There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on Thursday 21st of October; see the mailing list for details.
- Tuesday 12th of October 2021
- There will be a virtual meeting via Zoom from 7:30pm on Tuesday 12th of October via the usual link — or see the mailing list for details shortly beforehand.
- There will be a practice session from 7:30pm on Wednesday October 13th in the Walters Room, Selwyn College; turn left at the Porters’ Lodge and it’s in the corner of Old Court.
- Tuesday 5th of October 2021
- We have a provisional schedule for the term (although not venues yet):
- October 6th
- Freshers’ Squash (Selwyn Diamond)
- October 13th
- Practice/training
- October 20th
- The Nick Leaton Trophy
- October 27th
- Practice/training
- November 3rd
- The Paul Thorpe Trophy
- November 10th
- The Peterhouse Pot
- November 17th
- The Sarah Knight Memorial Doodah
- November 24th
- The Manchester & Somerset Society Trophy
- December 1st
- The Charles Relle Trophy
- Monday 4th of October 2021
- Freshers’ Fair confirmation:
CUTwC will be in stall MB6 in Marquee 2 from 10am-4pm on Tuesday 5th and Wednesday 6th.
- A virtual Freshers’ Fair also has a page for us.
- There will be a meeting via Zoom from 7:30pm on Tuesday 5th.
- Friday 1st of October 2021
- CUTwC will be at the Freshers’ Fair on Parker’s Piece on Tuesday 5th and Wednesday 6th of October from 10am-4pm.
- There will be a Freshers’ Squash (social for prospective members — established students welcome too) in Selwyn Diamond on the evening of Wednesday 6th of October from 7:30pm. Join us to learn about the Club and the game!
Long Vac 2021
- Monday 27th of September 2021
- There will be a Zoom meeting on Tuesday 28th of September at 7:30pm, as (now) usual.
- There will be a bonus planning meeting in the Red Bull from 7:30pm on Wednesday 29th of September.
- Monday 20th of September 2021
- There will be a Zoom meeting on Tuesday 21st of September at 7:30pm, as (now) usual.
- Monday 13th of September 2021
- There will be a Zoom meeting on Tuesday 14th of September at 7:30pm, as (now) usual.
- Monday 6th of September 2021
- After a moving speech by the President, there will be a Zoom meeting on
Tuesday 7th of September at 7:30pm, as (now) usual.
- The President is attempting to get an extension on his PhD, which would
resolve some immediate urgency regarding an EGM.
- Monday 30th of August 2021
- There will be a Zoom meeting on Tuesday 31st of August at 7:30pm, as (now) usual.
- Monday 23rd of August 2021
- There will be a Zoom meeting on Tuesday 24th of August at 7:30pm, as (now) usual.
- Monday 16th of August 2021
- There will be a Zoom meeting on Tuesday 17th of August at 7:30pm, as (now) usual.
- Monday 9th of August 2021
- There will be a Zoom meeting on Tuesday 10th of August at 7:30pm, as (now) usual.
- Monday 2nd of August 2021
- There will be a Zoom meeting on Tuesday 3rd of August at 7:30pm, as (now) usual.
- Monday 26th of July 2021
- Zoom, Tuesday, 7:30pm, as (now) usual.
- Monday 19th of July 2021
- In the interests of being more accommodating, notably to the junior
ex-President’s application of his knowledge of dead bodies to the catering
industry, virtual meetings have moved to Tuesdays, unless they move again
(in which case Mondays are most likely), starting with Tuesday 20th
of July at 7:30pm.
- Tuesday 13th of July 2021
- The (new) President has declared that there will be a meeting via Zoom
from 7:30pm on Wednesday 14th of July.
- Tuesday 6th of July 2021
- The EGL is officially at 7:30pm on Wednesday 7th of July 2021,
via Zoom. Please ensure you’ve paid your membership.
Easter Term 2021
- Tuesday 29th of June 2021
- Tomorrow is, confusingly, a Wednesday and the 30th of June, which
causes insuperable difficulties for the President because someone had the
cheek to schedule a graduands’ dinner on that evening.
The AGM is therefore most likely to be held on July 7th instead,
except that it’s an EGM because it’s not Term any more,
with the meeting of June 30th a standard (ordinary but not general)
meeting as (these days) usual via Zoom from 7:30pm.
- Wednesday 23rd of June 2021
- Confirmation that the Charles Relle Trophy will be held over Zoom at 7:30pm today. The President still has cause to be smug.
- Sunday 20th of June 2021
- It would appear that the rumours of a SEPTIC Garden Party tomorrow
(Monday 21st) have been scuppered by a combination of
apathy and a delayed end to COVID lockdown.
- Wednesday 16th of June 2021
- The President has agreed that the Relle will be held on Wednesday 23rd of June and an AGM will be held on Wednesday 30th of June.
- Tuesday 15th of June 2021
- The Peterhouse Pot (not the expected Relle) will be held via Zoom on Wednesday 16th of June from 7:30pm, with a smug President.
- Tuesday 8th of June 2021
- There will be a Zoom meeting on Wednesday 9th of June from 7:30pm, mostly without the President.
- Tuesday 1st of June 2021
- There will be a Zoom meeting on Wednesday 2nd of June from 7:30pm.
- Tuesday 25th of May 2021
- There will be a Zoom meeting on Wednesday 26th of May from 7:30pm.
- Wednesday 19th of May 2021
- There will be a Zoom meeting on Wednesday 19th of May from 7:30pm.
- Tuesday 11th of May 2021
- There will be a Zoom meeting on Wednesday 12th of May from 7:30pm.
- Tuesday 4th of May 2021
- There will be a Zoom meeting on Wednesday 5th of May from 7:30pm, barring hurricanes.
- Tuesday 27th of April 2021
- There will be a Zoom meeting on Wednesday 28th of April from 7:30pm, possibly sorting out the Nick Ashley.
- Tuesday 20th of April 2021
- There will be a Zoom meeting on Wednesday 21st of April from 7:30pm, mostly without the President.
- Wednesday 14th of April 2021
- In lieu of an ETwA tournament this term, there will be a virtual GETwAgether
held via Zoom from 7pm on Saturday 8th of May.
- Tuesday 13th of April 2021
- There will be a Zoom meeting on Wednesday 14th of April from 7:30pm.
- Friday 9th of March 2021
- CUTwC is saddened to hear of the death of
HRH The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.
Prince Philip was involved in the increase of popularity of tiddlywinks
in the UK in the 1957-1958
season, after an article entitled “Does Prince Philip Cheat at Tiddlywinks?" led to
“the Royal Match" against CUTwC with the Goons as royal champions.
In 1961 he donated the Silver Wink
trophy for inter-university matches, contested many times since and currently held by CUTwC.
Our thoughts are with his family and friends.
- Tuesday 6th of April 2021
- There will be a Zoom meeting on Wednesday 7th of April from 7:30pm,
although only briefly with a President.
Lent Term 2021
- Tuesday 30th of March 2021
- There will be a Zoom meeting on Wednesday 31st of March from 7:30pm.
- Tuesday 23rd of March 2021
- The (late) Charles Relle Trophy will be held from 7:30pm on Zoom on
Wednesday 24th of March, if the President remembers.
- Tuesday 16th of March 2021
- There will be a Zoom meeting on Wednesday 17th of March from 7:30pm,
but it won’t be a Relle; the Relle should be held on the 24th instead (TBC).
- Tuesday 9th of March 2021
- There will be a Zoom meeting on Wednesday 10th of March from 7:30pm.
- Tuesday 2nd of March 2021
- There will be a Zoom meeting with Peterhouse Pot planning possibilities
on Wednesday 3rd of March from 7:30pm (with, note, a new
Zoom link).
- Tuesday 23rd of February 2021
- Confirmation that the e-Peterhouse Pot will be held on the evening
of Wednesday 24th of February from 7:30pm, via Zoom.
- Wednesday 17th of February 2021
- The meeting of Wednesday 24th (aka next week)
will be the e-Peterhouse Pot.
- Tuesday 16th of February 2021
- There will be a Zoom meeting with more Peterhouse Pot planning possibilities
and fewer President on Wednesday 17th of February from 7:30pm.
- Wednesday 10th of February 2021
- In honour of the 7th anniversary of the death of our little
black cat, Pepsi, the web site now has full dark mode support.
- Tuesday 9th of February 2021
- There will be a Zoom meeting with Peterhouse Pot planning possibilities
on Wednesday 10th of February from 7:30pm.
- Tuesday 2nd of February 2021
- There will be a Zoom meeting and dinner post-mortem
on Wednesday 3rd of February from 7:30pm.
- Tuesday 26th of January 2021
- There will be a “pre-dinner“ club meeting via Zoom
from 7:30pm on Wednesday 27th of January.
- Saturday 23rd of January 2021
- More details on next weekend’s Club Dinner:
There will be a virtual Club Dinner via Zoom on
Saturday 30th of January, starting at 7:30pm
for 8pm.
See the CUTwC and ETwA mailing lists for Zoom link and password.
- Devise your own virtual dinner ticket at a cost of zero guineas.
- Supply you own wines, port and other drinks as appropriate.
- Bring an interesting cheese, an After Eight mint, and a joke.
- (Formal) dress is optional.
- 7:30pm
- Reception. Drink bubbly or be bubbly.
- 8:00pm
- Anthem in place of grace. Even though we know singing does not work well.
- 8:10pm
- Breakout to tables for “starter”.
- 8:24pm
- Table rotation for “fish”.
- 8:38pm
- Table rotation for “meat”.
- 8:52pm
- Table rotation for “dessert”.
- 9:10pm
- Backwards perambulation.
- 9:20pm
- Cheese.
- 9:40pm
- Mint off
- 9:45pm
- Jokes.
- Tuesday 19th of January 2021
- The first meeting of term will be a social meeting via Zoom
from 7:30pm on Wednesday January 20th.
- Saturday 16thth of January 2021
- It has been decided to start the Dinner from
7:30pm with virtual champagne (or orange juice)
in advance of actual dinner (port etc.).
- Wednesday 13th of January 2021
- The Club Birthday will be celebrated from 7:50pm
via Zoom on Saturday 16th of January,
with a view to singing the Anthem at 8pm to
coincide with the founding of the Club.
Bring your own cake.
- The Club dinner will be held virtually on Zoom
from 8pm on Saturday 30th of January, involving
songs, jokes and some form of drinking games,
quite possibly a President’s Vice.
Have After Eights at the ready, but black/CUTwC
tie is optional (although “some clothes are desired“).
Ideally have eaten dinner before the Dinner,
other than After Eights and any amusing cheese
course you wish to show off, but you might find
a supply of port to be a good idea (assuming Brexit
hasn’t stopped it working).
- Tuesday 12th of January 2021
- There will be a social meeting via Zoom
from 7:30pm on Wednesday January 13th.
- There will be a meeting via Zoom
on the evening of Saturday January 16th
to celebrate the Club’s 66th birtday;
details TBC.
- Tuesday 5th of January 2021
- There will be a social meeting via Zoom
from 7:30pm on Wednesday January 6th.
- Tuesday 29th of December 2020
- There will be a social meeting via Zoom
from 7:30pm on Wednesday December 30th.
- Urgent notice The Senior Treasurer is not currently in
possession of the accounts book and cash box; they are needed before the
end of the year in order to present the accounts to the Proctors,
otherwise the Club will be delisted.
(This is not trivial — re-founding an official University Society is
a considerable effort.)
If you are able to help locate these items, please take all possible
action to do so.
- Tuesday 22nd of December 2020
- There will be a social meeting via Zoom
from 7:30pm on Wednesday December 23rd.
- Tuesday 15th of December 2020
- There will be a social meeting via Zoom
from 7:30pm on Wednesday December 16th.
- Ex-Prezzy B is collating video contributions of
winks shots; please email her if you have something
(not COVID-19).
- Tuesday 8th of December 2020
- The Hot Green Beany will be held via Zoom on
Wednesday 9th of December; bring your
own curry.
Michaelmas Term 2020
- Wednesday 25th of November 2020
- The Charles Relle Trophy will be held by Zoom
on Wednesday 2nd of December 2020.
- Tuesday 24th of November 2020
- A reminder that the AGM will be held by Zoom
on Wednesday 25th of November 2020.
- If you wish to vote, remember to pay a membership
- The Committee are reminded to bring a Mars Bar
and drinking material.
- Please be prepared to comment on
potential club
- Tuesday 17th of November 2020
- There will be a Zoom meeting on Wednesday
18th of November from 7:30pm.
- There is confirmation that the AGM will be held
via Zoom on Wednesday 25th of November.
- Nominations to the Committee should be received
by Sophie or Harley by 7:30pm on Monday 23rd.
- The video of the Easter Term Peterhouse Pot is
- Thursday 12th of November 2020
- There is now a CUTwC YouTube channel.
- Monday 9th of November 2020
- The e-Peterhouse Pot will be held via Zoom on
Wednesday 11th of November from 7:30pm.
- Please notify the President if you wish to compete;
the meeting is likely to have become social by 9pm if
you don’t at least want to spectate.
- Tuesday 3rd of November 2020
- There will be a CUTwC meeting via Zoom on
Wednesday 4th of November from 7:30pm.
- Please vote for the date of the Peterhouse Pot
(which looks likely to be the 11th of
- The (belated) AGM will be held on Wednesday
25th of November.
- Tuesday 27th of October 2020
- There will be a CUTwC meeting via Zoom on
Wednesday 28st of October from 7:30pm.
We are encouraged to bring alcohol or an ethernet cable
“for full enjoyment”; perhaps CUTwC plans to DDoS the
US elections?
- Wednesday 21st of October 2020
- There will be an ETwA “gETwAgether” via Zoom from 6pm on Saturday
October 31st — watch the ETwA mailing list for details,
and consider looking horrifying if you don’t already.
- Oxford University
Tiddlywinks Society has been rejuvinated, so there is hope for
the 2020-2021 Varsity match season.
- Tuesday 20th of October 2020
- There will be a CUTwC meeting via Zoom on
Wednesday 21st of October from 7:30pm.
Novices, previous attendees and established winkers including the website
maintainer, apparently, are all welcome.
- Thursday 15th of October 2020
- The Nick Ashley tournament
for Michaelmas 2020 has been announced.
- Tuesday 13th of October 2020
- There will be a “normal” CUTwC Zoom meeting on
Wednesday 14th of October from 7:30pm.
- Tuesday 6th of October 2020
- The Freshers’ Squash will be held as a CUTwC Zoom meeting on
Wednesday 7th of October from 7:30pm.
Novices, previous attendees and established winkers are all welcome.
- We hope that some more informal sessions can be arranged, again
with social distancing, to try to give novices
an introduction to the game.
- Monday 5th of October 2020
- CUTwC meetings will be continuing on Wednesdays on Zoom for the time being.
There will be an in-person, socially-distanced winks tournament throughout
the term in which participants can play in as many or few matches as they wish.
Please watch this space for more information.
- Monday 28th of September 2020
- There will be a CUTwC Zoom meeting on Wednesday 30th of September from 7:30pm.
Meetings have moved back to the traditional Wednesday date, partly now we’re approximately in term
and partly to avoid Bake-Off (I don’t approve, it’ll take the edge off your curry).
- Monday 21st of September 2020
- There will be a CUTwC Zoom meeting on Tuesday 22nd of September from 7:30pm.
- Monday 14th of September 2020
- There will be a CUTwC Zoom meeting on Tuesday 15th of September from 7:30pm.
- Monday 7th of September 2020
- There will be a CUTwC Zoom meeting on Wednesday 9th of September from 7:30pm.
- Monday 31st of August 2020
- Shockingly, there will be a CUTwC Zoom meeting on Tuesday 1st of September from 7:30pm.
- Monday 24th of August 2020
- There will be the traditional CUTwC Zoom meeting on Tuesday 25th of August from 7:30pm.
- Tuesday 18th of August 2020
- There will be the traditional CUTwC Zoom meeting on Tuesday 18th of August from 7:30pm, with President.
- Monday 10th of August 2020
- There will be the traditional CUTwC Zoom meeting on Tuesday 11th of August from 7:30pm, sans-President.
- Wednesday 5th of August 2020
- Aliases (www.),
(www.) and
(www.) should all now use https properly.
If belongs to a winker, please get in touch (I’ve attempted to reach out, since it doesn’t seem to be in use).
- Monday 3rd of August 2020
- As usual, there will be a CUTwC meeting over Zoom from 7:30pm on Tuesday August 4th.
- Monday 27th of July 2020
- There will be the now-traditional CUTwC meeting via Zoom from 7:30pm on Tuesday July 28th.
- Monday 20th of July 2020
- There will be a traditional Tuesday meeting via Zoom from 7:30pm on Tuesday 21st, which will involve fighting a large quadroped from Tattoine, although I may have misunderstood.
- There is a poll on whether the winks visualisation approach might be made to work for remote winks.
- As usual, details on the mailing list.
- Monday 13th of July 2020
- There will be, as now usual, a CUTwC Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on Tuesday July 14th.
Apparently the novelty of the week will be Jackbox.
- Wednesday 8th of July 2020
- There are now some approaches for implementing videoconference/correspondence winks.
- Monday 6th of July 2020
- There will, as now usual, be a CUTwC Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on Tuesday 7th of July.
There is a proposal for implementing videoconference winks; check back for details.
Please advise the President if Tuesdays are not your optimal day for continuing online meetings.
The nurdle-boondock numbers page is now auto-generated. is slowly being populated.
CUTwC, ETwA and
PotShots now use https; please report any issues.
- Monday 29th of June 2020
- There will be the now-even-more-traditional-because-it’s-happened-more-than-once Zoom
meeting on Tuesday 30th of June, from 7:30pm.
Details as usual on the mailing list.
There are likely to be games, which may or may not involve drinking and may or may not involve origami.
- Tuesday 23rd of June 2020
- As is now traditional, CUTwC will meet virtual on the evening of Tuesday 23rd of June, via Zoom.
- Monday 15th of June 2020
- This week’s (yes, continuing out of term) CUTwC meeting will be on Tuesday June 16th, via Zoom as now usual.
Expect some form of entertainment, type TBC.
It’s now out of term time, so other than Zoom, even if we were meeting, we wouldn’t be meeting.
- Saturday 13th of June 2020
- Those familiar with traditional CUTwC drinking songs may be sad to
hear of the
death of Ricky Valence, of Tommy and Laura (pom-pom-pom-pom,
as CUTwC would sing it) fame.
- The SEPTIC garden party will be held (virtually) on Sunday 14th of June.
Easter Term 2020
- Tuesday 9th of June 2020
- The meeting of Wednesday June 10th will be a Zoom meeting variant of the Charles Relle Trophy.
It seems that squidgers will not be required, but an entry qualification is.
Details as usual on the mailing list to minimise zoom bombers.
The President has shared a set of anagrams for entertainment.
- Tuesday 2nd of June 2020
- The meeting of Wednesday June 3rd will be another Zoom meeting with some online gaming that isn’t winks.
The allegation of sick bats continues, but unless there are also sick pangolins we should be safe.
Details as usual on the mailing list to minimise zoom bombers.
- Tuesday 26th of May 2020
- There will be a CUTwC Zoom meeting (again) from 7:30pm on Wednesday May 27th.
This time, we won’t necessarily have to talk to each other, because we will be contesting the Peterhouse Pot, or some variation of it — so if you have even a practice portion of a mat (and the ability to combine it with a set, pot and squidger), please have them available.
Apparently there may also be sick bats, or something. (Which is odd, I thought that was ebolavirus, not COVID-19.)
Please see the mailing list for details, because I don’t want to be responsible for us getting Zoom bombed.
- Tuesday 19th of May 2020
- There will be a CUTwC Zoom meeting (again) from 7:30pm on Wednesday May 20th.
Please see the mailing list for details, because I don’t want to be responsible for us getting Zoom bombed.
A virtual Peterhouse Pot may happen (somehow) on May 27th.
- Tuesday 12th of May 2020
- There will be a CUTwC Zoom meeting (again) from 7:30pm on Wednesday May 13th.
Please see the mailing list for details, because I don’t want to be responsible for us getting Zoom bombed.
There is a proposal to have a virtual Peterhouse Pot; see the list for the poll for details.
- Tuesday 5th of May 2020
- There will be another Zoom meeting from 7:30pm on the evening of Wednesday May 6th.
Again, please see the list.
- The President shared a game of Bingo!
- Tuesday 28th of April 2020
- The University is currently shut down for the COVID-19 epidemic.
There will be a Zoom meeting from 7:30 on the evening of Wednesday 29th of April.
Please see the mailing list for details.
- Monday 16th of March 2020
- In light of the COVID-19 epidemic, the ETwA National Singles (and ETwA Congress) has been postponed until further notice. Watch this space and
Lent Term 2020
- Tuesday 10th of March 2020
- The meeting of Wednesday March 11th will be the Charles Relle Trophy, held in the Castle Inn. Beginning at 7:30pm, but the table is booked (as “Timmy” FTR) from 7pm to facilitate the entry qualification. Squidgers are required.
- Tuesday 3rd of March 2020
- The meeting of Wednesday March 4th will be the Peterhouse Pot, in meeting room 2 of Cripps Court, Magdalene College, from 7:30pm.
- Sunday 1st of March 2020
- There will be a pub crawl on Monday March 2nd, starting in the Flying Pig at 7:30pm.
- Friday 28th of February 2020
- We have a substitute — Alexei Newton is ill, so Ethan Lees is standing in. Get well soon Alexei.
- Tuesday 25th of February 2020
- The meeting of Wednesday February 26th will be Varsity practice, in meeting room 2 (not 4) of Cripps Court, Magdelene.
The Varsity Match between Cambridge and Oxford will be held from 2pm on February 29th in the C Day Lewis Room, Wadham College, Oxford.
The Oxford team will meet CUTwC at 11:45am-12 noon outside Wadham.
- Saturday 22nd of February 2020
- There will be a pub crawl starting in the Travellers Rest at 7:30pm on Saturday 22nd of February.
- Wednesday 19th of February 2020
- Varsity team pairings have been announced:
- Edward Brown & Patrick Moore
- Ed Green & Alexei Newton
- Marc Mills & Zach Bond
- Molly Birch & Sophie Brawn
- Tuesday 18th of February 2020
- The meeting of Wednesday 19th of February will be the Paul Thorpe (University Pairs) in Cripps Court meeting room 4, Magdelene — although Cuppers matches may also be played.
The Varsity team has been announced, and are encouraged to attend for the sake of the student papers; pairings may be announced.
- Wednesday 12th of February 2020
- The 2020 CUTwC Cuppers team has been announced:
- Sophie Brawn
- Zachariah Bond
- Molly Birch
- Edward Brown
- Edward Green
- Marc Mills
- Alexei Newton
- Patrick Moore
- Tuesday 11th of February 2020
- The meeting of Wednesday 12th, at 7:30pm in Cripps Court meeting room 4, Magdelene, will be a combination of Cuppers and the announcement of the Varsity team.
- Monday 10th of February 2020
- WiddlyTwinks have messed up Cuppers by disappearing without trace (this isn’t the Cambridge Open...) so the tournament format has changed to an all play all.
- Wednesday 5th of February 2020
- Correction: The Cuppers first round will be played on Wednesday 5th of February in Cripps Court — note that the deadline is this evening, and the the draw has happened. (If you can’t make it, appeal to the organiser.)
- Tuesday 4th of February 2020
- The meeting of Wednesday 5th of February will be the first round of cuppers.
- The Half Life will be held from 2-6pm on Saturday 22nd of February in the Castle Inn (upstairs).
- Friday 31st of January 2020
- There will be a pub crawl on Saturday 1st of January, starting at 7:30pm in the OtherSyde.
- Tuesday 28th of January 2020
- The Manchester & Somerset Society University Singles Trophy will be held on Wednesday January 29th in Cripps Court, Magdelene.
- Friday 24th of January 2020
- There will be Cuppers this term (details now available) — sign up with Edward Brown by 10pm on Friday 31st of January.
- Tuesday 21st of January 2020
- Confirmation that tomorrow’s meeting will be the Bomberdier Joogs, in Magdelene.
- Wednesday 15th of January 2020
- There is a schedule for the term:
- January 15th, Walters Room, Selwyn
- New Year’s Resolution Winks
- January 19th, starting at 7:30pm in the Red Bull
- The Laundress Green pub crawl
- January 22nd, Cripps Court, Magdelene
- The Bombardier Joogs
- January 25th-26th, Selwyn Diamond
- The Cambridge Open (Club Dinner on the evening of the 25th)
- January 29th, Cripps Court, Magdelene
- The Manchester & Somerset Society Trophy
- Feburary 1st, starting at 7:30pm in the OtherSyde
- The King Street Run pub crawl
- February 5th, Cripps Court, Magdelene
- Varsity Match announcement and preparation/Cuppers
- February 11th, starting at 7:30pm in the Green Dragon
- The Chesterton pub crawl
- February 12th, Cripps Court, Magdelene
- Varsity Trials/Cuppers
- February 19th, Cripps Court, Magdelene
- The Paul Thorpe Trophy
- February 22nd, starting after lunch, venue TBD
- The Half Life Trophy
- February 22nd, starting at 7:30pm in the Traveller’s Rest
- The Castle Hill pub crawl
- February 26th, Cripps Court, Magdelene
- Varsity practice
- February 29th, Wadham College, Oxford
- The Varsity Match
- March 2nd, starting at 7:30pm in The Flying Pig
- The Station Road pub crawl
- March 4th, Cripps Court, Magdelene
- The Peterhouse Pot/Cuppers
- March 11th, venue TBD
- The Charles Relle Trophy
- Tuesday 14th of January 2020
- New Year’s Resolution Winks will be held in the Walters Room, Selwyn from 7:30pm on Wednesday 15th of January.
The Varsity Match between Cambridge and Oxford will be held in Wadham College, Oxford on 29th of February.
- Thursday 2nd of January 2020
- CUTwC is saddened to hear of the death of comedian and musician Neil Innes, collaborator with the Pythons and a member of the Bonzo Dog Doo-dah Band. Some of CUTwC will remember him attending the Castle Inn in Cambridge, to visit landlord John Halsey, fellow member of the Rutles and friend of the Club.
- Friday 13th of December 2019
- The Hot Green Beany will commence at 7pm on Sunday December 15th in the Mitre.
Michaelmas Term 2019
- Tuesday 6th of December
- The Charles Relle Trophy will be held from 7:30pm on Wednesday 4th of December in the Castle Inn.
Squidgers will be necessary.
- Tuesday 12th of November
- The meeting of November 13th will be the Paul Thorpe (University Pairs), in Selwyn’s Chadwick Room from 7:30pm.
- Tuesday 5th of November
- The meeting of November 6th will be the Peterhouse Pot, in Selwyn Diamond from 7:30pm
- Monday 4th of November
- The Arbury pub crawl starts at 6pm at the Fort St George on Tuesday 5th of November.
- Friday 1st of November
- The National Handicapped Individual Pairs will be held in the Chadwick Room, Selwyn College, Cambridge on Saturday November 23rd.
- Tuesday 29th of October
- The meeting of Wednesday 30th of November will be a practice/training session in The Chadwick Room, Selwyn College.
- Tuesday 22nd of October
- The meeting of Wednesday 23rd of November will be a practice/training session in Selwyn Diamond from 7:30pm.
Note that this is not in the main part of Selwyn College, but at the entrance to Cripps Court, on the west (Robinson) side of the road and to the north (Robinson) of the main entrance — but not actually in Robinson.
- Friday 18th of October
- The ETwA National Pairs will be held on October 19th-20th in the Tim Cadbury/Music Rooms Downing College, Cambridge, from 10-for-10:30am.
World Singles 71 (Patrick Barrie vs Larry Kahn) will be held in the Kathleen Lyttleton room, Selwyn College, Cambridge from 1:30pm on Friday 18th.
- Wednesday 9th of October
- We have a schedule for the term:
- Wednesday 9th of October
- Freshers Squash [sic], Walters Room
- Thursday 10th of October
- Freshers’ Crawl (Bene’t Street)
- Wednesday 16th of October
- Practice, Walters Room
- Saturday/Sunday 19th/20th of October
- ETwA National Pairs
- Monday 21st of October
- Prospect Row crawl
- Wednesday 23rd of October
- Friendly games, Diamond
- Wednesday 30th of October
- Friendly games, Chadwick Room
- Tuesday 5th of November
- Arbury crawl
- Wednesday 6th of November
- Peterhouse Pot, Diamond
- Wednesday 13th of November
- Novice Expert Pairs (Paul Thorpe), Chadwick Room
- Wednesday 20th of November
- The Nick Leaton Novices’ Trophy, Diamond
- Saturday 23rd of November
- Sturton Street pub crawl
- Wednesday 27th of November
- Manchester & Somerset Society Trophy (University Singles), Chadwick Room
- Monday 2nd of December
- Regent Street crawl
- Wednesday 4th of December
- Relle
Also, apparently Cuppers is dead. Long live Cuppers.
- Wednesday 7th of August 2019
- CUTwC has sadly heard of the death of famous winker Cyril Edwards. Cyril was a regular fixture at tournaments in and near Oxford until recently; he will be missed.
There will be a reception on Thursday August 8th from 12:30-1pm at the Abbey Buildings, Checker Walk, Abingdon OX14 3JB; please dress informally (not in black).
- Sunday 12th of July
- The York Open will be held in The Black Swan Inn, Peasholme Green, York, YO1 7PR, on the 3rd and 4th of August 2019 (format still to be negotiated).
The London Open will be held in The Turk’s Head, Twickenham, TW1 1LF, on Saturday September 7th.
It is now the long vac; you should not rely on weekly meetings until the start of the Michaelmas Term.
The new President is Sophie Brawn; the new Secretary is Megan Vaughan.
Easter Term 2019
- Tuesday 11th of June
- The EGM and Relle will be held in the Castle Inn from 7:30pm on Wednesday 12th of June.
- Tuesday 4th of June
- There will be winks “in some form" in the Walters room at 7:30pm on Wednesday June 5th.
- Thursday 30th of May
- The “other" pub crawl is being held on the evening on Friday 31st of May.
It has been clarified that the EGM will be held on June 12th.
- Tuesday 28th of May
- The Bombardier Joogs will be contested in the Walters Room from 7:30pm on Wednesday 29nd of May.
There will be an EGM in “a couple of weeks” (presumably June 12th combined with the Relle?)
- Tuesday 21st of May
- There will be a friendly[Citation needed] winks session in the Walters Room from 7:30pm on Wednesday 22nd of May.
Note that some members of the club will also be at the beer festival.
The Club has been given advance notice of an EGM.
- Tuesday 14th of May
- The meeting of Wednesday 15th of May will be the AGM, starting at 7:30pm in the upstairs of the Red Bull (booked from 7pm).
- Tuesday 7th of May
- The meeting of Wednesday 8th of May will be the Paul Thorpe Trophy, from 7:30pm in the Walters Room.
The meeting of Wednesday 15th of May will be the AGM — please submit willingness to stand, quotations and other information relating to the AGM to Harley.
The funeral of Geoff Thorpe will be held on Tuesday 28th of May.
- Sunday 5th of May
- The Cherry Hinton pub crawl will start at 7pm on Monday 6th of May, in the Red Lion.
- Tuesday 30th of April
- The meeting of Wednesday May 1st will be the Peterhouse Pot, in the Walters Room from 7:30pm.
- Wednesday 24th of April
- There is a draft schedule for the term:
- April 24th: The Manchester & Somerset Society Trophy
- May 1st: The Peterhouse Pot
- May 6th: The Cherry Hinton pub crawl
- May 8th: The Paul Thorpe Trophy
- May 15th: The AGM (location TBD)
- May 22nd: TBD (but the Cambridge Beer Festival is 20th-25th of May on Jesus Green
- May 29th: TBD
- May 31st: The Other Crawl
- June 5th: TBD
- June 12th: The Charles Relle Trophy (location TBD)
- June 15th: The Muscovy Duck (almost certainly)
- June 18th: The Grantchester Crawl
- Tuesday 23rd of April
- The meeting of Wednesday 24th of April will be the Manchester & Somerset Society University Singles Trophy.
- Monday 15th of April 2019
- CUTwC has been told the sad news of the death of Geoff Thorpe, a long-time player of the game and attendee of many a Club Dinner. He will be greatly missed.
Lent Term 2019
- Tuesday 12th of March
- The meeting of Wednesday March 13th will be the Charles Relle Trophy, in The Castle Inn from 7:30pm; squidgers and a two-pint entry qualification are required.
- Tuesday 5th of March
- Tash’s Treat will be held in the Kathleen Lyttelton room from 7:30pm on Wednesday March 6th.
- Monday 4th of March
- There will be a pub crawl on Tuesday 5th of March, starting in the Red Bull at 7:30pm.
- The ETwA National Handicapped Individual Pairs will be held in Ely Cathedral Centre from 10-for-10:30am on Saturday March 9th.
- Tuesday 26th of February
- The meeting of Wednesday February 27th will be a practice session.
- Friday 22nd of February
- The Castle Hill pub crawl will begin at the Travellers Rest at 7:30pm.
- Tuesday 19th of February
- The meeting of Wednesday 20th of February will be the Paul Thorpe (University Pairs) Trophy.
- Thursday 14th of February
- The Half Life will be held in the Castle Inn from 2pm on Saturday 23rd of February.
- Tuesday 12th of February
- The meeting of Wednesday 13th will be a practice session, probably with some Cuppers matches.
- Sunday 10th of February
- Reminder: The King Street pub crawl will be held on Tuesday 12th of February.
- Tuesday 5th of February
- The meeting of Wednesday 6th of February will be the Manchester & Somerset Society University Singles Trophy.
- Tuesday 29th of January
- Wednesday 30th of January’s meeting will be a practice session in the Kathleen Lyttelton Room.
“TCS Telly” will be attending to do a piece on CUTwC, so please bear that in mind if you’re shy or think you’ll reflect particularly badly on the Club (this is a low bar).
- Sunday 27th of January
- The Mill Road pub crawl will begin at 7pm in The Brook
(25 Brookfields, by the roundabout with Perne Road).
- Tuesday 22nd of January
- Change of venue: This Wednesday’s meeting will now be in the Walters Room.
- Monday 21st of January
- Wednesday’s meeting will be the Peterhouse Pot.
- Wednesday 16th of January
- The first meeting of term will be a practice session, and celebration of the Club birthday.
- Friday 11th of January
- The Cambridge Open will be held in Emmanuel College, Cambridge, in the Old Library at 10-for-10:30am on Saturday and in the Upper Hall from 10:30am on Sunday.
The Club Dinner will be held in the Gardner Room from 7:30pm.
The first meeting of term will be in the Kathleen Lyttelton Room on Wednesday 16th of January.
- Monday 31st of December 2018
- Ed is recently 30, so for traditional reasons there will be a crawl starting in the Regal, Weatherspoons at 10am on Saturday 12th of January.
Winks will resume on Wednesday 16th of January.
- Wednesday 12th of December
- The Hot Green Beany (annual Christmas trivia machine pub crawl ending with a curry, traditionally Jalfrezi) will begin in the Mitre on Bridge Street, from 7:30pm on Thursday December 13th.
- The Cambridge Open will be on the weekend of January 19th/20th 2019, with the Club Dinner on the 19th.
Michaelmas Term 2018
- Tuesday 27th of November
- The Charles Relle Trophy will be contested in the Pickerel (on Magdelene Street) from 7:30pm on Wednesday November 28th.
A table is booked under the name of Timmy; squidgers are required.
- Tuesday 20th of November
- The CUTwC meeting of Wednesday November 21st will be a practice session, although the previously advertised “Cuppers Draw” may be premature.
However, His Holiness has indicated that he is Cuppers Czar, and will be accepting entries by teams’ members, so bring lube.
There will be a pub crawl on Thursday November 22nd.
There will be an event involving members of the 1958 Royal Match team in the Harrods Room, Emmanuel College on Sunday November 25th from 2:30pm.
- Monday 29th of October
- The meeting of Wednesday 31st of October will be the Paul Thorpe University Pairs.
The National Pairs will be in Downing College, Cambridge on November 3rd and 4th, in the East Lodge/Maitland Room (E staircase) from 10-for-10:30am.
The Arbury pub crawl will be held on Monday 5th of November, starting at the Fort St George and fireworks.
- Thursday 25th of October
- There will be a pub crawl on Thursday October 25th, starting at 7:30pm in the Regal.
- Tuesday 23rd of October
- CUTwC will meet in The Kathleen Lyttelton Room, Selwyn College from 7:30pm on Wednesday 17th of October, for the Bombardier Joogs.
- There will be a reunion of members of the 1958 Royal Tiddlywinks Match in Emmanuel College on the afternoon of Sunday 25th of November.
- Tuesday 16th of October
- CUTwC will meet in The The Kathleen Lyttelton Room, Selwyn College from 7:30pm on Wednesday 17th of October, for the Nick Leaton Novices’ Trophy.
- Wednesday 3rd of October
- We have a schedule for the term:
- Saturday 6th of October
- Prospect Row pub crawl
- Wednesday 10th of October
- Practice/training
- Wednesday 17th of October
- The Nick Leaton trophy
- Wednesday 24th of October
- The Bombardier Joogs
- Thursday 25th of October
- Regent Street pub crawl
- Wednesday 31st of October
- The Paul Thorpe Trophy
- Monday 5th of November
- Arbury pub crawl
- Wednesday 7th of November
- The Peterhouse Pot
- Wednesday 14th of November
- The Manchester & Somerset Society Trophy
- Wednesday 21st of November
- Cuppers draw and practice
- Thursday 22nd of November
- Sturton Street pub crawl
- Wednesday 28th of November
- The Charles Relle Trophy
- Monday 1st of October
- CUTwC will meet in The Walters Room, Selwyn College from 7:30pm on Wednesday 3rd of October for the Freshers’ Squash.
Other meetings this term will be in The Tower Room, Selwyn College.
- Sunday 29th of July 2018
- The London Open will be at The Turk’s Head, Twickenham, TW1 1LF on September 8th, with a 10:30 start.
- Friday 22nd of June
- The Grantchester Crawl (redux) will be this Saturday 23rd of June; meeting in the Alma from noon or the Green Man, Trumpington from 1:30.
Easter Term 2018
- Tuesday 12th of June
- The meeting of Wednesday 13th of June will be the Charles Relle Trophy from 7:30pm in The Castle Inn. Squidgers are not required.
- Friday 8th of June
- The Grantchester pub crawl will start in the Green Man (Trumpington) at 2:30pm on Saturday June 9th, with a warm-up lunch in the Alma from 1pm.
- Tuesday 5th of June
- The meeting of Wednesday 13th of June will be the Charles Relle Trophy, in a location TBD.
- Thursday 31st of May
- "The other crawl" will begin on Friday 1st of June at 7pm in the Corner House.
The meeting of Wednesday 6th of June will be The Bombardier Joogs.
- Tuesday 29th of May
- The meeting of Wednesday 30th of May will be The Manchester & Somerset Society Trophy, in the Walters Room.
- Tuesday 15th of May
- The AGM will be held in The Castle Inn on Castle Hill from 7:30pm on Wednesday 16th of May.
An upstairs table on the left has been reserved in the name of “Timmy”.
- Monday 7th of May
- The meeting of Wednesday 9th of May will be the Cuppers final, from 7:30pm in the Walters Room.
- Saturday 5th of May
- Nominations for the AGM should be sent to the President by then end of Sunday 13th of May.
- Tuesday 1st of May
- The meeting of Wednesday 2nd of May will be the Paul Thorpe (University Pairs), from 7:30pm in the Walters Room.
A reminder that the AGM will be held on the 16th of May.
- Other dates this term:
- April 25th: The Peterhouse Pot
- April 27th: The Cherry Hinton pub crawl
- May 2nd: The Paul Thorpe (university pairs)
- May 9th: Final of Cuppers
- May 16th: The AGM
- June 1st: The “other” crawl
- June 9th: The Grantchester crawl
- June 16th: The Muscovy Duck
- June 17th: The SEPTIC Garden Party
- June 23rd: The Grantchester crawl (redux)
- Saturday 21st of April
- Congress will likely be held in the Panton Arms.
- Thursday 19th of April
- The ETwA National Singles will be held in the West Lodge (downstairs in E staircase), Downing College, Cambridge, CB2 1DQ on April 21st and 22nd — with a 10:00-for-10:30 start.
ETwA Congress and a rules meeting will follow the Singles on Saturday, in a location TBD.
There will be a “losers’” Plate competition on the Sunday. Attendees are welcome irrespective of whether they played in the main Singles — and the Plate doesn’t require that people play for the entire winkend.
Lent Term 2018
- Tuesday 13th of March 2018
- The meeting of Wednesday 14th of March will be the Charles Relle Trophy, starting in The Old Spring from 7:30pm.
The table for the Relle is booked under Timmy, or possibly Jimmy or Jenny.
Squidgers are required.
- Tuesday 6th of March
- The meeting of Wednesday 7th of March will be the Bombardier Joogs from 7:30pm in the Tower Room.
There will be a pub crawl from 7:30pm on Friday 9th of March Sunday 18th of March, starting in the Dobblers.
- Thursday 1st of March
- There will be a pub crawl from 7:30pm on Friday 2nd of March, starting in the Elm Tree.
- Tuesday 27th of February
- The Manchester & Somerset Society (University Singles) Trophy will be played on Wednesday 28th of February.
- Wednesday 21st of February
- The meeting of Wednesday 21st will be the Peterhouse Pot.
The Half Life will be held on Saturday 24th from 2pm in the Castle Inn.
- Tuesday 13th of February
- The meeting of Wednesday 14th of February will be the Paul Thorpe (University Pairs).
This winkend, Saturday 17th-Sunday 18th of February, the ETwA National Teams of Four will be contended at the Cathedral Centre of Ely Cathedral, from 10:30am on Saturday. Note that Google is confused about where the Cathedral Centre is; it is adjacent to the Minister Tavern, not in the cathedral itself.
The Half Life will be contested on Saturday 24th of February, in a pub in Cambridge TBD.
- Monday 12th of February
- There will be the Mill Road pub crawl on the evening of February 12th, starting in The Brook
(25 Brookfields, by the roundabout with Perne Road) at 7:30pm.
- Tuesday 6th of February
- The meeting of Wednesday 7th of February will be a practice and training session (not the Peterhouse Pot as previously advertised), in the Tower Room of Selwyn from 7:30pm.
- Thursday 1st of February
- Cuppers teams have been decided.
- The meeting of Wednesday 7th of February will be the Peterhouse Pot, in the Tower Room of Selwyn from 7:30pm.
- Tuesday 30th of January
- The meeting of Wednesday 31st of January will be the first round of Cuppers, in the Tower Room of Selwyn from 7:30pm; entries are now closed.
- Tuesday 23rd of January
- The meeting of Wednesday January 24th will be the Manchester & Somerset Society (Unversity Singles) Trophy, at 7:30pm in the Tower Room.
- Tuesday 16th of January
- The meeting of Wednesday 17th of January will be “New Year’s Resolution Winks”.
- Tuesday 16th of January
- Some of CUTwC will meet on Tuesday 16th of January at The Elm Treeg
(Orchard Street, Elm Street/Eden Street, opposite the Cricketers) to celebrate the Club’s birthday.
CUTwC will meet in The Tower Room, Selwyn College from 7:30pm on Wednesday 17th of January for the first meeting of term (and cake).
The Cambridge Open will be held on the weekend of February 3rd and 4th, from 10:30am in the Diamond, Selwyn College.
The Club Dinner will, as traditional, be held on the Saturday evening. If you expect to be invited and weren’t, please ensure that Stew knows that you plan to attend by January 25th.
There will be a Cuppers tournament this term.
- Monday 18th of December 2017
- The Hot Green Beany (traditional annual trivia machine pub crawl) will be held on Wednesday 20th of December starting in the Mitre at 7:30pm, and possibly also finishing there if nearby venues struggle.
Curry is inevitable.
Michaelmas Term 2017
- Tuesday 28th of November
- The meeting of Wednesday 29th of November will be the Charles Relle Trophy, starting in the Kingston Arms from 7:30pm.
The table is reserved from Dr Boondock; no squidgers are required (but bring thirst).
Expect curry.
- Tuesday 21st of November
- The meeting of Wednesday 22nd of November will be the Paul Thorpe University Pairs, in the Walters Room from 7:30pm (not a practice session as previously advertised).
- The meeting of Wednesday 29th of November will be the Charles Relle Trophy, in a pub to be decided.
- Tuesday 14th of November
- The meeting of Wednesday 15th of November will be the Bombardier Joogs, in the Tower Room from 7:30pm.
- There will be a pub crawl on Friday 17th of November, starting in the Red Bull.
- Wednesday 8th of November
- The meeting of Wednesday 8th of November will be the Manchester & Somerset Society University Singles Trophy, in the Walters Room.
- Wednesday 1st of November
- There will be a pub crawl on Saturday November 4th starting at the Fort St George from 6:30pm, at the fireworks.
- Friday 27th of August
- The ETwA National Pairs will be held on the weekend of October 28th/29th in the Music Room & Tim Cadbury Room in Downing College, Cambridge.
You don’t have to be pre-paired to attend any of it, but you do have to be prepared to attend all of it. (The format is typically an all-play-all, and it goes horribly wrong if people leave.)
- The meeting of Wednesday 1st will be the Peterhouse Pot, in the Tower Room.
- Tuesday 24th of August
- There will be a pub crawl on the evening of Tuesday 24th of August.
- The meeting of Wednesday 25th of August will be a practice session.
- Tuesday 10th of August
- The meeting of October 11th will be a practice session in The Walters Room, Selwyn College, from 7:30pm (note: not the Tower Room, where the Squash was).
- The meeting of October 18th will be the Nick Leaton novices’ trophy, again in the Tower Room, Selwyn College.
- There will be a pub crawl on Friday 13th of October (what could go wrong?) — details TBC.
- Monday 2nd of August
- CUTwC will be represented at the Freshers’ Fair.
The Freshers’ Squash will be held in The Tower Room, Selwyn College from 7:30pm on Wednesday October 4th.
- Thursday 31st of August 2017
- The London Open will be held on Saturday 2nd of September, squidging off at 10:30am, at The Exmouth Arms near Euston Station.
- Friday 7th of July
- The ETwA Chairman, Sarah Knight, will be on ITV’s This Morning this morning (10:30-12:30).
Easter Term 2017
- Tuesday 13th of June
- The Charles Relle Trophy will happen in the Mill from 7:30pm on Wednesday 14th of June.
- Tuesday 6th of June
- General Election Winks will happen in the Walters Room from 7:30pm on Wednesday 7th of June.
- Please bring unusually-coloured winks if you have any.
- Please also bring any strange coloured winks (and a pencil) to the Relle, which will be in a pub, possibly the Castle, from 7:30pm on Wednesday 14th of June.
- Wednesday 31st of May
- Winks will happen as “normal" from 7:30pm on Wednesday 31st of May.
- There will be “general election winks" on Wednesday 7th of June.
- Tuesday 23rd of May
- Winks will happen as normal in the Walters Room from 7:30pm on Wednesday 24th of May — but some winkers may be at the Cambridge Beer Festival instead.
- Wednesday 17th of May
- There is a new Committee.
- The ETwA National Pairs will be on October 28th-29th; the National Singles 2018 will be on April 21st-22nd, both at Downing College, Cambridge.
- Sunday 14th of May
- The AGM will be held in The Castle Inn from 7:30pm on Wednesday 17th of May.
- Wednesday 10th of May
- The SEPTIC Garden Party will be held on Sunday 18th of June, 12:30-18:00, at the Barrie residence.
- Tuesday 9th of May
- CUTwC will meet for the final of Cuppers on Wednesday 10th of May in the Walters Room, Selwyn College, from 7:30pm.
- A representative of Chase Distillery will be present to present the prize, and Varsity will be reporting on the event.
- Other games will also be played.
- There will be an ETwA Teams of Four in Ely on the winkend of July 29th-30th 2017, and another on February 17th-18th 2018.
- Tuesday 2nd of May
- CUTwC will meet for the Paul Thorpe University Pairs on Wednesday 3rd of May in the Walters Room (not Tower Room), Selwyn College, from 7:30pm.
- The AGM will be held on May 17th; the President has begun resigning.
- The final of Cuppers will be held on May 10th.
- Monday 24th of April
- CUTwC will meet for a practice session on Wednesday 26th of April in the Walters Room, from 8pm.
- Please tell the President if you wish to stand for the Committee at this year’s AGM.
- Wednesday 19th of April
- The ETwA National Singles will be held in the Tim Cadbury and Music Rooms of Downing College Cambridge on the weekend of 22nd-23rd of April, 10am-for-10:30.
- The National Singles Plate will be held on Sunday 23rd.
- ETwA Congress will be held on the evening of Saturday 22nd.
- World singles #70, between Patrick Barrie and the holder, Larry Kahn, will be held on Friday 21st of April.
- Wednesday 29th of March
- There will be a National Handicapped Individual Pairs (one-day tournament) in Ely on Saturday 8th of April, 10am for a 10:30 squidge-off.
- Venue: the Etheldredda Room in the Cathedral Centre (next door to the Minster pub, across the road from the West Door of the Cathedral).
Lent Term 2017
- Tuesday 14th of March 2017
- The meeting of Wednesday March 15th will be the Charles Relle Trophy,
at 7:30pm in The Castle Inn.
Squidgers are not required. Don’t forget the entry qualification.
- Wednesday 8th of March
- The finalists of the Cuppers Tournament have been announced.
- The semi-finals must be completed by the start of the Relle on Wednesday 15th.
- Tuesday 7th of March
- The meeting of Wednesday March 8th will be the Manchester & Somerset Society University Singles Trophy, from 7:30pm in the Tower Room.
- The semi-finalists of Cuppers will be announced at the meeting.
- Tuesday 28th of February
- The meeting of Wednesday 1st of March, from 7:30pm in the Tower Room, will be the Paul Thorpe (University Pairs). There will also likely be any remaining play in the league stage of Cuppers, a promise of cake (this may be a lie), and probably beer in the bar.
- Wednesday 22nd of February
- The meeting of Wednesday 22nd of February will be the Bombardier Joogs, from 7:30pm in the Tower Room.
- Please bring spare mats and sets, since Cuppers games may also be played.
- The Cherry Hinton pub crawl will be held on the evening of the 3rd of March.
- Tuesday 21st of February
- The completion date for the league stage of Cuppers has been extended to the end of Wednesday 1st of March.
- Tuesday 14th of February
- The meeting of Wednesday 15th of Feburary will be a practice session, from 7:30pm in the Tower Room.
- There will be a pub crawl from 7:30pm on Thursday 16th of Feburary, starting in the Old Spring.
- Monday 13th of February
- The Paul Thorpe has been rescheduled for March 1st.
- Friday 10th of February
- The Half Life will be contested in the Castle Inn (on Castle Hill) on Sunday 12th of February. A table has been booked from 1pm, and play will start at 2pm.
- Wednesday 8th of February
- This evening’s Peterhouse Pot will be in the Walters Room, not the Tower Room.
- There will be a pub crawl on Thursday 9th of February.
- The Half Life will be on Sunday 12th of February; details TBC.
- Monday 16th of January
- The schedule for the term has been announced:
- Wednesday 18th of January
- Practice
- Wednesday 25th of January
- The Paul Thorpe University Pairs
- Wednesday 1st of February
- Practice + draw for Cuppers
- Saturday 4th/Sunday 5th of February
- Cambridge Open/Club Dinner
- Wednesday 8th of February
- The Peterhouse Pot
- Sunday 12th of February
- The Half Life Trophy (location TBC)
- Wednesday 15th of February
- Practice
- Wednesday 22nd of February
- The Bombardier Joogs
- Wednesday 1st of March
- Practice
- Wednesday 8th of March
- The Manchester & Somerset Society Trophy
- Wednesday 15th of Match
- The Charles Relle Trophy
- Wednesday 14th of December 2016
- CUTwC is running an inter-collegiate Cuppers tournament next term; watch this space for details, but get your practice in so that you can defend the honour of your college.
- The Cambridge Open and Club Dinner will be on the weekend of 4th-5th of February 2017.
- Tuesday 13th of December
- The Hot Green Beany (annual trivia crawl) will be held on Friday 16th of December, starting at 7pm in The Bath Ale House. The first question will be whether the Bath has a trivia machine.
Michaelmas Term 2016
- Tuesday 29th of November
- The meeting of Wednesday 30th of November will be the Charles Relle Trophy, meeting upstairs in The Castle Inn on Castle Hill, from 7:30pm. Squidgers will be required. Don’t forget the entry requirement.
- Friday 25th of November 2016
- There will be a pub crawl on the evening of Friday 25th of November, starting at 7:30pm in the Burleigh Arms.
- The meeting of Wednesday 30th of November will be the Charles Relle Trophy.
- Tuesday 15th of November 2016
- The meeting of Wednesday 16th of November will be the Bombardier Joogs.
- Wednesday 2nd of November 2016
- The ETwA National Pairs will be held on the weekend of 5th-6th of November from 10:30am in Downing College, Regent Street, Cambridge CB2 1DQ, in The Music Room & Tim Cadbury Room (first floor, above E staircase).
- There will be a pub crawl on the evening of Saturday 5th of November, starting at the Fort St George from at least 7pm and moving to the Milton Arms as soon as the fireworks on Midsummer Common end (they start at 7:30pm).
- The meeting of Wednesday 9th of November will be the Peterhouse Pot.
- Wednesday 19th of October 2016
- The schedule for the term has been announced:
- October 5th
- Freshers’ Squash
- October 8th
- The Freshers’ Crawl
- October 12th
- Practice
- October 19th
- The Nick Leaton
- October 25th
- The Hither Mill Road crawl
- October 26th
- Practice
- November 2nd
- The Paul Thorpe (University Pairs) Trophy
- The EGM
- November 5th
- The Arbury Crawl
- The ETwA National Pairs
- November 9th
- The Peterhouse Pot
- November 16th
- The Bombardier Joogs
- November 23rd
- The Manchester & Somerset Society (University Singles) Trophy
- November 25th
- The Grafton Centre Crawl
- November 30th
- The Charles Relle Trophy
- Friday 7th of October 2016
- The first pub crawl of the year will begin at 7:30pm on Saturday 8th of October in the Red Bull.
- Saturday 1st of October 2016
- The Freshers’ Squash will be held in The Tower Room of Selwyn College from 7:30pm on Wednesday 5th of October
- Friday 9th of September 2016
- The London Open will be held in The Exmouth Arms in Euston, from 10:15 (for 10:30)am on Sunday 11th of September.
- Tuesday 21st of June 2016
- The croquet match against the Tolkein Society will in fact be on the student lawn from 5pm on Wednesday 22nd of June.
- Friday 17th of June 2016
- Some people will be doing the Grantchester crawl backwards beforehand starting at 2:30pm in the Lord Byron.
- Thursday 16th of June 2016
- CUTwC will likely play the Tolkien Society at Croquet on the evening of Wednesday 22nd of June on the Fellows’ Lawn in Selwyn.
The Grantchester pub crawl will be from 7pm on Saturday 18th of June, likely starting in the Flying Pig.
- Friday 10th of June 2016
- The great and good of CUTwC will be gathering in or outside the Red Bull from 6:45pm.
- The entry qualification for the Muscovy Duck will be in the Mill from noon on Saturday 11th of June.
Easter Term 2016
- Wednesday 8th of June 2016
- The Relle will be in the Mill from 7:30pm.
- Wednesday 1st of June 2016
- This evening’s meeting will be of the President’s own invention, at 7:30 in the Walters Room.
- Wednesday 25th of May 2016
- There will be no official meeting today. Expect winkers at the beer festival.
- Wednesday 18th of May 2016
- The meeting of Wednesday 18th of May will be the Paul Thorpe (University Pairs), in the Walters Room.
- The Pope would like to tell us that his operetta, “Sister Abigail; or, Mothers Superior” will be staged at 11pm at the ADC, after winks.
- The 30th anniversary of the invention of Yogi’s Whist will be celebrated from 7:30pm in the Mill, on Thursday 19th of May.
- Tuesday 10th of May 2016
- The AGM will be held in the Mill from 7:30pm on Wednesday 11th of May
- There will be a pub crawl on the evening of Tuesday 10th of May, starting at 7:30pm in the
Eagle Bath Ale House
- Friday 6th of May 2016
- There will be a pub crawl on the evening of Friday 6th of May, starting at 7:30pm in the Sir Isaac Newton
- Wednesday 4th of May 2016
- The tournament of May 4th will be the Peterhouse Pot, in the Walters Room
- Wednesday 20th of April 2016
- Events of this term have been announced:
- April 20th
- The Bombardier Joogs
- April 27th
- The Manchester & Somerset Society Trophy
- April 30th
- ETwA Congress
- April 30th-May 1st
- The ETwA National Singles
- May 4th
- The Peterhouse Pot
- May 11th
- The Annual General Meeting
- May 19th-ish
- 30th anniversary of Yogi’s Whist
- May 18th-June 1st
- TBD by the new Committee
- June 8th
- The Charles Relle Trophy
- June 11th
- The Muscovy Duck
- June 12th
- The SEPTIC Garden Party
- June 18th
- The Grantchester pub crawl
- Tuesday 19th of April 2016
- The meeting of Wednesday April 20th will be The Bombardier Joogs, in the Walters Room.
Lent Term 2016
- Wednesday 9th of March 2016
- There were winkers on Cambridge 105 Radio (interviews taken on the Saturday of the Cambridge Open) at around 5:30pm on Wednesday March 9th. There is a podcast.
- CUTwC are meeting from 7:30pm on Wednesday March 9th for the Charles Relle Trophy in The Blue Moon
(2 Norfolk Street, junction with Staffordshire Street), not in the Tram Depot as previously advertised. Squidgers are required.
- Sunday 6th of March 2016
- The Half Life Trophy will be contested on Saturday 12th of March from 2-6pm in the The Hopbine, booking name of “Cambridge University Tiddlywinks Club”, two tables; likely meeting earlier for lunch.
- Schedule for this term (belatedly):
- January 13th: Practice
- January 20th: The Paul Thorpe Trophy
- January 27th: The Peterhouse Pot
- February 3rd: The Bombardier Joogs
- Feburary 9th: The Yon Mill Road Crawl
- February 10th — March 2nd: The Nick Ashley
- February 16th: The Victoria Road Crawl
- Feburary 20th/21st: The Cambridge Open
- March 1st: The Newmarket Road Crawl
- March 8th: The Cherry Hinton Crawl
- March 9th: The Charles Relle Trophy
- Tuesday 15th of December 2015
- The Hot Green Beany (year-end trivia crawl) will begin at 7pm on Tuesday December 15th in the Pickerel on Bridge Street. It will progress to the Mitre and hopefully other venues if we can find more trivia machines. The most likely venue for the titular jalfrezi is the Curry King.
Michaelmas Term 2015
- Wednesday 2nd of December 2015
- The Charles Relle Trophy will be held from
7:30pm on Wednesday 2nd of November in
The Tram Depot
(Dover Street, off East Road opposite ARU).
- Wednesday 25th of November 2015
- A reminder that the Sarah Knight Memorial Doodah will be held this evening.
- The National Handicapped Individual Pairs (or National Individual Handicapped Pairs
depending who you ask) will be held on Sunday 29th of November in the upstairs snug of the
The Malt Cross
(16 St James’s Street, Nottingham, NG1 6FG), from 10:30am.
- Sunday 22nd of November 2015
- The Prospect Row pub crawl will begin at 7:30pm at the Carlton Arms on Monday 23rd of November.
- Wednesday 18th of November 2015
- The Manchester & Somerset Society University Singles Trophy will be on Wednesday 18th of November from 7:30p, in the Tower Room. The President asserts that this will be “rather fun”[citation needed].
- Wednesday 11th of November 2015
- The Paul Thorpe University Pairs will be on Wednesday 11th of November from 7:30pm.
- Monday 9th of November 2015
- The Pub Czar has inverted the order of the King Street pub crawl, which will now start at 7:30pm on Tuesday 10th of November in The Eagle.
- Sunday 8th of November 2015
- The King Street pub crawl will begin at 7:30pm on Tuesday 10th of November, in the Burleigh Arms.
- Thursday 5th of November 2015
- A reminder that the Arbury crawl will begin at the fireworks on Thursday 5th of November, leaving the Fort St George as the fireworks end.
- Monday 26th of October 2015
- A reminder that the Castle Hill crawl will be held on Monday 26th of October, starting at 7:30pm in the Sir Isaac Newton.
- The meeting of Wednesday October 26th will be The Bombardier Joogs.
- Wednesday 14th of October 2015
- The following schedule has been provisionally established for the term:
- Wednesday October 7th: Freshers’ Squash
- Thursday October 8th: The Regent Street/Hither Mill Road/Hither Mill Road/Regent Street Combination Crawl brackets Freshers’ brackets
- Wednesday October 14th: Practice/Training
- Tuesday October 20th: The Trumpington Street Crawl
- Wednesday October 21st: The Nick Leaton Novices’ Trophy
- Monday October 26th: The Castle Hill Crawl
- Wednesday October 28th: The Bombardier Joogs
- Saturday October 31st/Sunday November 1st: The ETwA National Pairs
- Wednesday November 4th: The Peterhouse Pot
- Thurssday November 5th: The Arbury Crawl
- Tuesday November 10th: The King Street Crawl
- Wednesday November 11th: The Paul Thorpe University Pairs Trophy
- Wednesday November 18th: The Manchester & Somerset Society University Singles Trophy
- Monday November 23rd: The Prospect Row Crawl
- Wednesday November 25th: The Sarah Knight Memorial Doodah
- Sunday November 29th: Provisional Nottingham tournament
- Wednesday December 2nd: The Charles Relle Trophy
- Thursday 8th of October 2015
- CUTwC has received the sad news of the loss of Charles Relle, former Secretary and Senior Treasurer, and the longest-standing player in the game. He was an ex-World Champion and ETwA champion, always welcoming to novices, always keeping older players involved in the game, and famous for his ability to bristol at any angle and any distance, for playing winks on ice, and for his opinions on people standing in his light. He was, of course, the originator of his eponymous trophy, which ends every term. He is a great loss to the game, to ETwA and to CUTwC, and we send our commiserations to his family and many friends.
- There will be a pub crawl starting from The Bath Ale House
(3 Bene’t Street) at 7:30pm on Thursday 8th of October.
- Saturday 3rd of October 2015
- The Squash will be held on Wednesday 7th of October in the Tower Room, Selwyn, from 7:30pm (ideally earlier for existing members).
- Flyering efforts for the year will begin at Selwyn Porters’ lodge at 6pm on Sunday 4th of October.
- Tuesday 21st of July 2015
- The ETwA Chairman Sarah Knight was on Talk Sport on Tuesday 21st of August in the
11:30-12:00 slot (after nine minutes of someone called “Ronnie O’Sullivan” talking about
refusing to pot out in snooker).
- Sunday 21st of June 2015
- The Grantchester pub crawl is being held from 3pm on Sunday 21st of June.
- Monday 15th of June 2015
- Harley and Daniel will be winking on a punt on Tuesday 16th, possibly for the press, and would like company.
- Thursday 11th of June 2015
- There will be a re-run of the Cherry Hinton Crawl on Tuesday 16th of June.
Easter Term 2015
- Wednesday 10th of June 2015
- Today’s meeting will be the Charles Relle Trophy from 7:30pm in the Mill. Bring squidgers.
- Wednesday 3rd of June 2015
- The meeting of today will be The Manchester & Somerset Society Trophy from 7:30pm in the Walters Room.
- Monday 25th of May 2015
- The meeting of Wednesday 27th of May will be “some winks” in The Walters Room, Selwyn College.
- Tuesday 12th of May 2015
- The AGM will be held from 7:30pm on Wednesday 13th of May in the Tram Depot.
- Tuesday 5th of May 2015
- The meeting of 7:30pm on Wednesday 6th of May will be the Bombardier Joogs in The Walters Room, Selwyn College.
- Thursday 30th of April 2015
- The Yon Mill Road Crawl (rerun) will be held on Saturday 2nd of May.
- The Beehive Centre Crawl (rerun) will be held on Tuesday 5th of May.
- The Town Centre Crawl will be held on Tuesday 12th of May.
- Tuesday 28th of April 2015
- The Peterhouse Pot will be held at 7:30pm in the Walters Room, Selwyn College, on Wednesday 29th of April.
- The AGM will be held on the 13th of May. Venue TBD.
- Wednesday 22nd of April 2015
- The Paul Thorpe will be held at 7:30pm in the Tower Room, Selwyn College, on Wednesday 22nd of April.
- The National Singles will be on the weekend of 25th/26th of April in the Music Room and Tim Cadbury Room of Downing College, Cambridge, from 10:30am.
- ETwA Congress will be held in the Hopbine after end of play on Saturday 25th.
- There will likely be a Plate competition on Sunday in the same venue as the Singles.
Lent Term 2015
- Tuesday 10th of March 2015
- The meeting of Wednesday 11th will be the Charles Relle Trophy, and will be a redux of Crawl Czar, in The Castle Inn from 7:30pm.
- Sunday 8th of March 2015
- Tonight’s pub crawl will be the Beehive Centre crawl, starting at 7pm, not the Grantchester crawl as previously advertised.
- Saturday 28th of February 2015
- The Castle Hill pub crawl will be held this evening.
- Tuesday 17th of February 2015
- The Half Life Trophy will be tested in the Hopbine from 2pm.
Meet from 12:30 for lunch.
- Wednesday 11th of February 2015
- A reminder that today’s meeting will be the start of the Nick Ashley league. The President has announced that the tournament will be decide by total points, with ties decided by PPG, and that while additional games between weekly meetings are to be encouraged, each participant is allowed to play no more games against any other individual member than one more than the lowest number of games played between any two players in the preceeding weekly meeting. In other words, very likely one game unless only two people turn up on Wednesdays. Results out of meeting time must be submitted in person at the next meeting, and the league ends at the end of the gathering on the 4th of March.
- Friday 23rd of January 2015
- The provisional pub crawl to be held on Saturday 24th of January will be rescheduled.
- Note that the Joogs on the 4th of February will be held in the Walters Room, not the Tower Room.
- Monday 12th of January 2015
- A provisional schedule for this term has been announced:
- Provisional crawl dates have also been announced:
- 24th January: The Beehive Centre Crawl
- 31st January: The East Road Crawl
- 7th February: The King Street Crawl
- 21st February: The Town Centre Crawl
- 28th February: The Castle Hill Crawl
- 8th March: The Grantchester Crawl
- Thursday 18th of December 2014
- The Hot Green Beany will begin at 7pm on Saturday 20th of December in the Granta.
Michaelmas Term 2014
- Wednesday 3rd of November 2014
- This evening’s Relle will begin at 7:30 in the Castle Inn on Castle Street, for the two pint entry qualification. Squidgers will be required.
- Friday 28th of November 2014
- The CUTwC Cribbage Tournament will be held in the Empress from 2pm on Friday 29th of November, before the Mill Road crawl.
- A reminder that Wednesday’s tournament will be the Charles Relle Trophy.
- Sunday 16th of November 2014
- A reminder that Wednesday’s meeting will be the Paul Thorpe (University Pairs) trophy.
- Saturday 22nd will see the Cherry Hinton pub crawl.
- Wednesday 12th of November 2014
- A reminder that tonight’s meeting will be the Manchester & Somerset Society (University Singles) trophy.
- Saturday 15th will see the Chesterton pub crawl.
- Wednesday 15th of October 2014
- The ETwA National Handicapped Individual Pairs will be held on Sunday 30th of November in Selwyn Diamond.
- Tuesday 14th of October 2014
- The President has announced the following schedule for this term:
- The crawl czar has dictated the following plan for this term:
- 11th of October: The Freshers’/Regent Street Crawl
- 5th of November: The Arbury Crawl
- 15th of November: The Chesterton Crawl
- 22nd of November: The Cherry Hinton Crawl
- 29th of November: The Mill Road Crawl
- 13th of December (provisionally): The Hot Green Beany
- Sunday 12th of October 2014
- There will be drinks in The Haymakers this evening.
- Friday 10th of October 2014
- There will be a pub crawl on Saturday 11th of October,
starting at Quinn’s on Regent Street at 7:30pm.
- The meeting of Wednesday 15th of October will be practice for the Nick Leaton Novices’ Trophy (which will be the following week).
- Tuesday 30th of September 2014
- There is the possibility of a publicity shoot on Sunday 5th of October. Details TBC.
Easter Term 2014
- Friday 23rd of May 2014
- The annual CUTwC Bar Billiards tournament will be held in the Empress from 2pm
on Sunday 25th of May.
- It will be preceded by lunch in the Cambridge Blue from 12pm, and quite possibly
followed by a pub crawl.
- Sunday 11th of May 2014
- The new President has decreed the following provisional schedule for the rest of the term:
Wednesday 14th of May: The Peterhouse Pot.
Wednesday 21st of May: The beer festival.
Wednesday 28th of May: The Paul Thorpe.
Wednesday 4th of June: The Bombardier Joogs.
Wednesday 11th of June: The Charles Relle Trophy.
Saturday 14th of June: The Muscovy Duck.
- Friday 9th of May 2014
- The Yon Mill Road pub crawl will be held on Monday 12th of May, starting in the Med at 7:30pm.
- Wednesday 7th of May 2014
- CUTwC has a new Committee.
- Tuesday 29th of April 2014
- The meeting of Wednesday 30th will be the Manchester & Somerset Society Trophy in the Walters Room.
- Wednesday 23rd of April 2014
- The meeting of Wednesday 23rd will be practice for the Pairs and Varsity Match, from 7:30pm in the Walters Room, Selwyn College.
- Thursday 17th of April 2014
- The ETwA National Pairs will be held in Downing College, Cambridge on the 26th and 27th of April.
- ETwA Congress will be held on the evening of Saturday 26th of April.
- The AGM will be held on Wednesday 7th of May (location TBD).
- The Varsity Match will provisionally be held on Sunday 11th of May.
Lent Term 2014
- Monday 10th of March 2014
- The Relle will begin at 7:30pm on Wednesday 12th, probably in the Mill.
Please think of a country to represent.
- Wednesday 5th of March 2014
- The meeting of Wednesday 5th will be a practice session.
- The National Handicapped Individual Pairs will be held on Sunday 9th of March.
- The meeting of Wednesday 12th will be the Relle.
- Wednesday 26th of February 2014
- The meeting of Wednesday 25th will be a practice session.
- Saturday 22nd of February 2014
- The Half Life trophy will be contested On Sunday 23rd of February from noon in the Castle Inn.
- Tuesday 18th of February 2014
- The meeting of February 19th will be the Paul Thorpe (University Pairs) Trophy.
- The Half Life trophy will be contested on Sunday 23rd. Venue TBC.
- Tuesday 11th of February 2014
- The meeting of February 12th will be the Manchester & Somerset Society Trophy, in the Tower Room from 7:30pm.
- Tuesday 4th of February 2014
- The meeting of February 5th will be the Peterhouse Pot in the Chadwick Room (not the Tower Room).
- Monday 3rd of February 2014
- There will likely be a Half Life tournament on Sunday 16th of Feburary.
- Wednesday 22nd of January 2014
- The meeting of 22nd of January will be The Bombardier Joogs.
- Thursday 16th of January 2014
- The Club’s 59th birthday will be celebrated in the Mitre from 7pm this evening. Please wear quarter blues.
- Monday 13th of January 2014
- The Town Centre pub crawl will begin at the Red Bull at 7pm this evening.
- The Cambridge Open will be held on the 1st and 2nd of February, with the annual Club Dinner on the evening of the 1st.
- Friday 20th of December 2013
- The Hot Green Beany pub crawl will begin in the Red Bull at 7pm this evening.
Michaelmas Term 2013
- Tuesday 3rd of December
- The Charles Relle Trophy will be contested on Wednesday 4th of December.
Meet in the Mill at 7:30pm for the two-pint entry qualification. Squidgers will be needed.
- Wednesday 27th of November
- The Manchester & Somerset Society University Singles Trophy will be held on Wednesday 27th of November.
- Saturday 23rd of November
- The Hither Mill Road pub crawl will start at 7:30pm on Saturday 23rd of November, in the Bakers’.
- The ETwA National Teams of Four is being held in Selwyn, at least in part in N1, on the weekend of 23rd and 24th of November.
- Monday 4th of November
- The Arbury pub crawl will be held, as usual, on November 5th.
The meeting of November 6th will be the Bombardier Joogs.
- Wednesday 30th of October
- The meeting of October 30th will be the Peterhouse Pot.
- Wednesday 16th of October
- The meeting of October 16th will be a practice session, in advance of the Nick Leaton next week.
- Wednesday 9th of October
- There will be a Freshers’ pub crawl starting at Quinn’s at 7:30pm on Saturday 12th of October.
- Sunday 6th of October 2013
- Flyering of freshers will be happening from 7pm outside Selwyn today, Sunday 6th of October.
- The Squash will happen in the Tower Room, Selwyn, from 7:30pm on Wednesday 9th of October.
- Friday 14th of June 2013
- The Muscovy Duck will take place on Saturday 15th of June.
Meet in The Mill
from noon for the three-pint entry qualification. Wear things that can be got wet.
Easter Term 2013
- Wednesday 12th of June 2013
- The meeting of Wednesday the 12th of June will be the Charles Relle Trophy.
This will start at 7:30pm in The Red Bull
(11 Barton Road, by the junction with Hardwick Street) with a two-pint entry qualification. Squidgers will not be needed.
- Tuesday 4th of June 2013
- The meeting of Wednesday 5th of June will be the Manchester & Somerset Society Trophy, presumably from 7:45pm in the Borradaile Room.
- Monday 3rd of June 2013
- There will be a pub crawl on Monday 3rd of June, starting at 7:00 in the Brook.
- Wednesday 29th of May 2013
- The meeting of Wednesday 29th of May will be the PeterhousePot, from 7:45pm in the Borradaile Room, Selwyn College. It will be followed by beer in the Mill, in honour of the ETwA Charbint.
- The Chesterton pub crawl may be held on Thursday 30th of May.
- The Yon Mill Road pub crawl may be held on Sunday 2nd of June.
- Wednesday 22nd of May 2013
- The club will meet from 7:30pm at the Cambridge Beer Festival.
- Friday 10th of May 2013
- The AGM will be held in The Mill from 7:30pm on
Wednesday 15th of May.
- Tuesday 7th of May 2013
- The Bombardier Joogs will
be contested on Wednesday 8th of May from 7:45 in the Borradaile Room, Selwyn College.
- Saturday 4th of May 2013
- There will be a pub crawl on Sunday 5th of May, starting at 7pm
in the Pantom Arms.
- Wednesday 1st of May 2013
- The meeting of Wednesday 1st of May 2013 will be the Paul Thorpe,
held in the Borradaile Room from 7:45pm.
There will be pre-Varsity drinks in the Kingston Arms from 7pm on Friday 3rd of May.
- Tuesday 23rd of April 2013
- The meeting of Wednesday 24th of April 2013 will be held in the Borradaile Room,
Selwyn College, from 7:45pm.
The ETwA National Pairs will be held this weekend, 27th and 28th of April, from 10:30am in the Chadwick Room, Selwyn College.
The Varsity Match will be held on Saturday 4th of May.
There will likely be a pub crawl on Sunday 5th of May.
The AGM will be held on Wednesday 15th of May.
- Friday 15th of March 2013
- There will be a pub crawl on Sunday 17th of March (not Saturday, as previously reported), starting at 7:30pm in the Red Bull.
Lent Term 2013
- Tuesday 12th of March 2013
- The tournament of Wednesday 13th of March will be the Relle,
meeting in The Hopbine
at 7:30pm.
- Wednesday 27th of Feburary 2013
- The tournament of Wednesday 27th of Feburary will be the Manchester & Somerset Society University Singles Trophy (with a post-bar curry proposal).
- Thursday 21st of February 2013
- The Hither Mill Road pub crawl will begin at 7:30pm on Saturday 23rd of February, in the Bakers.
- Tuesday 19th of February 2013
- The tournament of Wednesday 20th of February will be the Peterhouse Pot.
- Tuesday 5th of Feburary 2013
- The tournament of Wednesday 6th of February will be the Paul Thorpe University Pairs.
- The meeting of Wednesday 13th of Feburary will be a friendly social meeting, possibly with some non-standard Relle-style excitement.
- The Half Life tournament will (provisionally) be held on Sunday 17th of February.
- Wednesday 30th of January 2013
- The tournament of Wednesday 30th of January will be the Bombardier Joogs (aborted last week).
- Tuesday 22nd of January 2013
- The Cambridge Open will be held in the Diamond, Selwyn College from 10:30am on Saturday 26th January (and continue on Sunday).
- The meeting of Wednesday 23rd of January will be the Bombardier Joogs,
from 7:30pm in the Tower Room, Selwyn College.
- Thursday 17th of January 2013
- There will be a pub crawl on Sunday 20th.
- Tuesday 15th of January 2013
- The Club’s 58th birthday will be celebrated with the King Street Crawl on Wednesday 16th.
- Monday 17th of November 2012
- The Hot Green Beany will begin at 7pm on Wednesday 19th of December in The Granta
(14 Newnham Terrace, near where Newnham Road runs alongside water).
Michaelmas Term 2012
- Wednesday 28th of November 2012
- The Relle will begin in The Mitre
(Bridge Street) from 7:30pm on Wednesday 28th.
After the traditional two-pint entry qualification, we will progress up Castle Hill (indirectly), via The Baron of Beef
(19 Bridge Street),
The Pickerel Inn
(30 Magdalene Street, opposite Magdalene College),
The Punter
(3 Pound Hill, corner of Northampton Street),
The Castle Inn
(36 Castle Street),
The County Arms
(43 Castle Street) and The Maharajah. Please phone the President if lost.
- Wednesday 21st of November 2012
- The meeting of Wednesday 21st of November will be the Bombardier Joogs.
- Thursday 15th of November 2012
- The meeting of the 14th of November was the Paul Thorpe.
- The Relle will be on the 28th.
- Monday 12th of November 2012
- The ETwA National Handicapped Individual Pairs wil be held from 10:30am on Sunday November 25th in the foyer of the School of Mathematical Sciences in Queen Mary University of London.
- Wednesday 7th of November 2012
- The meeting of Wednesday 7th of November will be a friendly practice session (no tournament).
- Wednesday 31st of October 2012
- The meeting of Wednesday 31st of October will be the Peterhouse Pot.
- The Arbury pub crawl will follow the fireworks on Monday November 5th.
- Tuesday 23rd of October 2012
- The meeting of Wednesday 24th of October will be the M&S.
- Tuesday 9th of October 2012
- There will be a meeting in The Tower Room from 7:30pm on Wednesday 10th of October 2012.
- The Freshers’ pub crawl will be held on the evening of Saturday 13th of October 2012.
- The meeting of Wednesday 17th of October 2012 will be The Nick Leaton Novices’ Trophy.
- Sunday 30th of September 2012
- The Fresher’s Squash will be held in The Tower Room, Selwyn College from 7:30pm on Wednesday 3rd October 2012.
Technical issues have caused a lapse in the history of this site — please accept the webmaster’s apologies in the hope that this is eventually rectified.
Easter Term 2011
- Friday 13th of May 2011
- The 25th birthday of Yogi’s Whist will be celebrated on Saturday May 21st from 6:30pm (for 6:45pm) in The County Arms, Castle Street, Cambridge.
- The annual CUTwC bar billiards tournament will be held on Sunday May 26th in The Empress on Thoday Street, time TBC.
- Tuesday 10th of May 2011
- Tomorrow’s AGM will be held in
The Zebra, from 7:30pm.
- Thursday 5th of May 2011
- The Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday 11th of May. Venue TBC, but probably the
Devonshire Arms or
The Salisbury Arms.
- Wednesday 4th of May 2011
- This evening’s meeting will be a celebratory post-Varsity trip to
The County Arms
on Castle Hill, meeting at 7:30pm.
- Tuesday 3rd of May 2011
- The ETwA National Pairs will be held this weekend from
(10:15 for) 10:30am on Saturday in the Chadwick Room, Selwyn College.
There will be a pub crawl this Friday, meeting at 7pm in the Wrestlers.
- Wednesday 27th of April 2011
- The Varsity Match will be held in Lecture Room XXIII of Balliol College, Oxford on Sunday.
There will be practice from 11am, and the match will begin after lunch.
CUTwC’s first meeting of term will be a practice session for the Varsity Match, in the Chadwick Room, Selwyn College.
Lent Term 2011
- Sunday 24th of April 2011
- The Varsity Match will be held in Oxford on Sunday 1st of May (provisionally). Details TBA.
- Saturday 23rd of April 2011
- Today’s pub crawl will start at 7pm, not 7:30pm as originally advertised.
- Monday 11th of April 2011
- The Cherry Hinton pub crawl will be on Saturday 23rd of April.
- Friday 25th of March 2011
- The cribbage tournament this Sunday (27th of March) will convene from noon (for lunch) in The County Arms.
- Thursday 24th of March 2011
- The Town Centre pub crawl will be this Monday, the 28th of March.
- Monday 21st of March 2011
- There will be a CUTwC cribbage tournament this Sunday, the 27th of March.
- Thursday 17th of March 2011
- The Victoria Road pub crawl will be this Sunday, the 20th of March.
- Tuesday 15th of March 2011
- The meeting of Wednesday 16th of March will be the Relle.
- Wednesday 9th of March 2011
- The meeting of Wednesday 9th of March will be the M&S.
This weekend will see the ETwA National Teams of Four held in the Tower Room, starting at 10:15 for 10:30am.
There will be a pub crawl this Saturday evening. Details to be confirmed — provisional details are on the crawl page.
- Wednesday 23rd of February 2011
- This evening’s meeting will be the Paul Thorpe, held over from last week.
- Saturday 20th of February 2011
- Details of Sunday’s pub crawl have been updated, now with a new starting place.
- Saturday 19th of February 2011
- Details of Sunday’s pub crawl have been announced.
- Wednesday 16th of February 2011
- A reminder that this evening’s meeting will be The Paul Thorpe University Pairs
- Saturday 12th of February 2011
- Details of Sunday’s pub crawl have been corrected.
- Friday 11th of February 2011
- Details of Sunday’s pub crawl have been announced.
- Monday 7th of February 2011
- We have dates for the remaining tournaments this term:
- There will be friendly games on the 9th of February
- The Paul Thorpe University Pairs will be on the 16th of February
- There will be friendly games on the 23rd of February
- The Manchester & Somerset will be on the 2nd of March
- There will be friendly games on the 9th of March
- The Charles Relle Trophy will be on the 16th of March
- Thursday 3rd of February 2011
- There is likely to be a pub crawl on the afternoon of Sunday 13th of February. Details to follow.
- Monday 31st of January 2011
- Wednesday’s meeting will be The Peterhouse Pot. Don’t forget tomorrow’s pub crawl.
- Thursday 27th of January 2011
- The Cambridge Open will be held on January 29th/30th in The Diamond, Selwyn College, with a 10:15am for 10:30am start.
- Tuesday 25th of January 2011
- The Hither Mill Road pub crawl has been announced for Tuesday February 1st. Meet in the Man on the Moon at 7:30pm.
- Friday 21st of January 2011
- The meeting on the evening of Wednesday 26th of January will be the Bombardier Joogs.
- Tuesday 11th of January 2011
- There will be a club squash to invite new members on Wednesday 19th of January from 7:30pm in the Tower Room, Selwyn College.
Meetings this term will be held in the Tower Room, Selwyn College.
Michaelmas Term 2010
- Friday 3rd of December 2010
- We have now reached the end of term. Meetings are likely to continue in an unofficial capacity, possibly not in the Diamond. Please check the mailing list for details.
- Wednesday 1st of December 2010
- Update: the Charles Relle Trophy will be held (upstairs) in The Castle Inn (36 Castle Street) at 7:45pm.
Note: Not the Cambridge Blue at 7:30pm, as previously advertised.
Directions: Head out of town up Castle Hill (which is a continuation of Bridge Street). The Castle Inn is on the right, just before an open area and shortly after the Maharajah.
- Monday 29th of November 2010
- This week’s meeting will be the Charles Relle Trophy.
- Monday 22nd of November 2010
- This week’s meeting will be the
Bombardier Joogs.
Correction: This meeting was a practice session.
- Friday 19th of November 2010
- Correction, Sunday’s pub crawl and EGM will now start at 7pm, not 7:30pm.
- Thursday 18th of November 2010
- There will be an Extraordinary General Meeting in The Regal, starting at
7:30pm 7pm, followed by the rest of the Hills Road pub crawl.
- Tuesday 16th of November 2010
- A reminder that this Wednesday’s meeting will be the Paul Thorpe (University Pairs) trophy.
This Sunday (21st) there will be a combination pub crawl and Extraordinary General Meeting, during which we will replace the outgoing Publicity Officer.
Details to follow.
- Monday 1st of November 2010
- A reminder that this Wednesday’s meeting will be the Manchester & Somerset Society University Singles Trophy.
This Friday (5th) we will hold the Arbury pub crawl, starting at the Fort St George from 7pm. We will leave the Fort St George just after the fireworks, so please be prompt.
This weekend, the ETwA National Singles will be held in the Diamond, Selwyn College. All are welcome to attend, but we tend to suggest that novices may wish to save themselves for the Singles’ Plate, on Sunday, as a less formal (and stressful) event.
- Wednesday 27th of October 2010
- This evening’s practice session will have a Hallowe’en theme, with a prize for the best costume.
- Saturday 23rd of October 2010
- Contrary to provisional plans, there will be no pub crawl tomorrow (Sunday October 24th).
- Thursday 14th of October 2010
- This Sunday’s pub crawl route has been announced.
We have dates for the remaining tournaments this term:
- Wednesday 13th of October 2010
- This evening’s meeting will be a social meeting with no official tournament. New attendees are welcome, and will be given an introduction to the game. Those who have attended the Squash can treat this as a training session for next week’s Nick Leaton Novices’ Trophy.
- Start of Michaelmas 2010:
- There will be a Squash in The Diamond, Selwyn College, from 7:45pm on Wednesday 6th of October. There’ll be a chance to have an introduction to the game, to the club, to the strange people who play winks, and to how we drink our fines. Anyone interested is welcome; you don’t need to know what tiddlywinks is!
The Nick Leaton Novices’ Trophy will be held on Wednesday 20th of October from 7:30pm in Selwyn Diamond.
There will be a Freshers’ pub crawl on the evening of Sunday the 17th of October. Details will follow shortly.
There will be a non-tournament newcomer-friendly meeting held on Wednesday 13th of October from 7:30pm in Selwyn Diamond.
The Dark Ages
Lent Term 2004
- Friday 6th of February 2004
- As far as we can tell, the Varsity Match will take place in Oxford on 6th March.
- Monday 12th of January 2004
- Lent term Squash. Come and learn the noble art of tiddlywinks. Free punch!
Michaelmas Term 2003
- Monday 17th of November 2003
- The National Individual Handicapped Pairs will happen in Merton College, Oxford. Transport should be available for CUTwC players.
- Friday 31st of October 2003
- Ralf Laue will be making record attempts at the “fastest tiddlywinks solo mile” and “fastest tiddlywinks distance” records from 10am at the “Impossibility Challenger Games”. The venue is the Sport Ground of TSV 1860 Starnberg, Brunnangerstr. 2, near Munich (Germany). Visitors are welcome.
- Wednesday 8th of October 2003
- The Charles Relle Trophy — university drunken mixed pairs — will be held in Queens’ Bar from 7:30pm on December 3rd.
- The Manchester & Somerset Society Trophy — university singles championship, “like a singles bar, only different” — will be held on November 26th.
- The Bombardier Joogs — random exploding rotating pairs with drink-off — will be held on November 19th.
- The Peterhouse Pot — for those who can’t squop — will be held on November 5th
- The Paul Thorpe Trophy — university pairs championship, “you can blame your partner when you lose” — will be held on November 12th.
- There will be “more winks, more beer” on October 29th.
- The Nick Leaton Novices’ Trophy — you’ve got to be in it to win it — will be held on October 22nd.
- The President’s Memorial Pint (“Come and learn tiddlywinks (or hone your skills from last week). The novice who plays the best shot will win a pint of beer, in memory of the president’s late brain.”) will be held on October 15th.
- The Tiddlywinks Club Squash (“Come and learn the game of tiddlywinks, and sample our world-famous punch. The Erasmus Room, Queens’ College from 8pm.”) will be held on October 8th.
Easter Term 2003
- Monday 5th of May 2003
- The AGM will be held on 7th of May in King’s College Bar, at 7:30pm.
Be there or, in all likelyhood, get elected as something.
Lent Term 2003
- Sunday 16th of February 2003
- Schedule for the term:
- 2nd of March 2003
- The Varsity Match will be held on 16th of January.
- 8th of March 2003
- National Teams of Four A handicapped tournament, ideal for beginners. The tournament starts at 1.30pm on the Saturday, in the Old Kitches, Queens’ College. Friendly games will be played by those around on the Saturday morning, from 10.30.
- 12th of March 2003
- Charles Relle Trophy (University Drunken Mixed Pairs). Queens’ bar, 7.30pm. Note that this is a week later than advertised on the term card.
- 5th of March 2003
- Manchester & Somerset Society Trophy (University Singles). Erasmus Room, Queens’, 7.30pm.
- 23rd of February 2003
- Varsity match selection and practice session. Angevin Room, Queens’, 2-4 pm.
- Monday 13th of January 2003
- The Lent Term Squash will be held on 15th of January.
- Thursday 2nd of January 2003
- The Club Dinner will be held on January 25th.
The most unmissable social event of the year. Good food, good wine, bad jokes and chocolate sauce are a few of the attractions.
Michaelmas Term 2002
- Tuesday 3rd of December 2002
- The Cambridge Open will be held on January 25th-26th 2003. The most enjoyable tiddlywinks tournament of the year. Players may drop in or out as they please, and the atmosphere is very jolly. Continues on Sunday.
- Monday 14th of October 2002
- 25th October 2002: The 56th World Singles contest will see the
title defended by Patrick Barrie against the challenge of
Dave Lockwood, in The Castle Inn, Castle Hill, Cambridge,
in the evening (played from 5:30pm, 5pm set-up.)
- 24th October 2002: The 24th World Pairs contest will see the title
defended by Patrick Barrie and Ed Wynn, against the challenge
of Matt Fayers and Larry Kahn, in the Angevin Room,
Queens’ College, Cambridge from 5:30pm.
- Monday 7th of October 2002
- Schedule for the term:
- December 4th 2002
- The Charles Relle Trophy (University Drunken Mixed Singles). Meet in the County Arms (Castle Hill) at 7.30. I suspect that squidgers will be superfluous, and riotousness is a danger.
- November 27th
- The Manchester & Somerset Society Trophy (University Singles). Erasmus Room, Queens’ College, 7.30.
- November 20th 2002
- The Peterhouse Pot, in the Erasmus Room, Queens’ College, 7:30pm.
- November 17th 2002
- The ETwA National Handicapped Individual Pairs tournament,
held in the Mure Room, Merton College, Oxford.
- November 13th 2002
- Paul Thorpe Trophy (University Pairs). Erasmus Room, Queens’ College, 7.30.
- November 6th 2002
- Random practice. Erasmus Room, Queens’ College, 7.30.
- October 30th 2002
- The Bombardier Joogs
(random random knockout exploding pairs).
Erasmus Room, Queens’ College, 7.30.
- October 27th 2002
- The Final and (Losers’) Plate of the ETwA National Singles tournament,
in The Armitage Room and Bowett Room, Queens’ College, respectively,
9am for 9:30 for the Final; the Plate is at 10am for 10:30, until 7pm.
- October 26th 2002
- The first day (qualifying) of the ETwA National Singles tournament,
in Cambridge, the Fitzpatrick Hall, Queens’. 10:15am for 10:30am-6pm.
- October 23rd 2002
- The Nick Leaton Novices’ Trophy. Erasmus Room, Queens’ College at 7.30.
- October 16th 2002
- The President’s Memorial Pint (in memory of his late brain).
The Erasmus Room, Queens’ College, 7:30pm.
- Monday 7th of October 2002
- Could CUTwC members please try to be at the Erasmus Room
for 7pm on Wednesday, so that they can help prepare the venue before
we get an influx of the uninitiated.
- Friday 4th of October 2002
- Sunday 6th: CUTwC will be beginning their annual hard-hitting leaflet
campaign from 7:30pm outside Queens’ p’lodge. Please attend
if you can.
- Sunday 6th: Patrick Barrie and Ed Wynn will be contesting the
55th World Singles in the Erasmus Room,
Queens’ College, from 2:30pm.
- Wednesday 9th: C.U. Tiddlywinks Club will be holding a squash
in the Erasmus Room, Queens’ College, from 7.30pm.
Come and try your hand at the noble sport.
More importantly, come and drink our free punch
(widely regarded as the best in Cambridge, if not the world).
Easter Term 2002
- Tuesday April 23rd 2002
- The new CUTwC web site is on-line! (Well, missing a few bits
of content, but the structure is there).
Michaelmas Term 2001
Except where otherwise noted, winks meeting are in The Erasmus Room in Queens’ College at 7:30pm,
and pub crawls will start out at 7:15pm from Queens’ porters’ lodge.
- Wednesday 26th of December 2001
- Patrick is on Tbe Weakest Link at 5:30pm on BBC2.
Since I’m still running behind, for the record here’s what happened last term:
- 31st October
- The Bombardier Joogs
- 7th November
- The Paul Thorpe University Pairs
- 14th November
- The Peterhouse Pot
- 21st November
- The Manchester & Somerset University Singles
- 28th November
- The Charles Relle Trophy
- Tuesday 2nd of October 2001
- After an inexcusable delay, the CUTwC web site gets updated, at least in a stand-in capacity.
CUTwC are at the Freshers’ Fair today. Drop by the stand for a demonstration of winking prowess.
There will be a CUTwC Squash (no doubt with alcohol, demonstrations of the Noble Sport, many experienced winkers, and the CUTwC video) in The Erasmus Room, I staircase, Queens’ College from 7:30pm on Wednesday October 3rd.
Easter Term 2000
- Tuesday 11th of July 2000
- Please excuse the delay. Winks will be continuing in an unofficial
capacity during the long vac, usually in the Erasmus Room. The new web site will
be on-line shortly, but Long Vac and Wessex Trophy tournaments will be announced
- Friday 16th of June 2000
- There will be a pub crawl re-run this
We will be convening for the Duck at 12:30pm in the Mill.
- Monday 12th of June 2000
- This week’s meeting will be the Charles Relle Trophy.
Meet in Queens’ Bar at 7:30 for the two-pint entry qualification.
The Muscovy Duck is this Saturday.
- Tuesday 6th of June 2000
- This week’s meeting will be the Paul Thorpe University Pairs.
Correction We’ve already had that, so it’s the Manchester & Somerset University Singles.
- Monday 22nd of May 2000
- This week’s meeting, in a blatant bid by the new President to win
over his flock, will be held in the Beer Festival.
- Wednesday 17th of May 2000
- The AGM is definitely in the Cambridge Blue.
The Varsity Match will now be on Sunday 21st May.
- Monday 8th of May 2000
- The AGM will now probably be at the Cambridge Blue.
The Varsity Match will be on Saturday 20th May.
There will be a Bar Billiards tournament on Saturday 13th -
time and place TBA.
There will be a double Mill Road pub crawl on Thursday.
- Wednesday 26th of April 2000
- The ETwA National Pairs will be in the Bowett Room on both days.
10:30am-6pm on Saturday, 10:00am-5pm on Sunday.
Lent Term 2000
- Wednesday 29th of March 2000
- The AGM has been scheduled for Wednesday 17th May.
Location TBA.
- Friday 24th of March 2000
- The final of the Nick
Ashley will be held this evening. Meet on I staircase in Queens’ at 6pm.
Winks can be considered to be continuing in the Erasmus Room at 7:30pm on Wednesdays
during the vac.
- Thursday 9th of March 2000
- There will be a pub crawl of
Castle Hill on Friday 10th (tomorrow).
There will also be a crawl of Victoria Road on Monday 13th.
Wednesday’s Relle will now include the Grantchester crawl, so we will be meeting
in the Cross Keys at 7:00pm for the two pint entry qualification.
For those checking here rather than the ETwA site,
the ETwA National Teams of Four is being held in the Erasmus Room, Queens’ from
10:30-6:00 on Saturday, and in the Bowett Room, Queens’ from 10:00-5:30 on Sunday.
- Monday 6th of March 2000
- This week’s meeting has been officially given a location:
The Old Kitchens, 7:30pm as usual.
- Friday 3rd of March 2000
- There will be a pub crawl of Arbury
this Sunday (5th) evening. Meet at Queens’ P’Lodge at 6:30 for
- Friday 25th of February 2000
- There will be a pub crawl this (Friday) evening.
Meet at Queens’ P’Lodge at 7:00 for 7:15.
- Thursday 17th of February 2000
- There will be a pub crawl
this Saturday (19th) evening. Meet at Queens’ P’Lodge at 7:00
for 7:15.
- Thursday 10th of February 2000
- There will be a pub crawl
this (Thursday) evening. Meet at Queens’ P’Lodge at 7:00 for 7:15.
- Friday 4th of February 2000
- CUTwC’s meetings are in random locations for the
forseeable future:
- 9th & 16th Feb in the Old Kitchens
- 23rd Feb, 1st & 15th Mar in the Armitage Room
- 8th Mar to be announced
- Next term pre-exams in the Bowett Room
- Next term during exams in the Angevin Room
- Wednesday 26th of January 2000
- Hoorah for the president, for he hath decreed.
Here is the schedule for the rest of his reign:
- 26th January
- Friendly practice session (with possible novices and multimedia).
- 2nd February
- Ecliptic tournament of format tbd, in honour of the partial eclipse
of the sun, visible from Antarctica on the 5th.
- 9th February
- The Bombardier Joogs (random pairs) tournament.
- 16th February
- The Manchester & Somerset Society University Singles Trophy.
- 23rd February
- Friendly practice session.
- 1st March
- The Peterhouse Pot.
- 8th March
- The Paul Thorpe University Pairs.
- 11th and 12th March
- The ETwA Teams of Four.
- 15th March
- The Charles Relle trophy.
- 26th April
- Unspecified (probably friendly) meeting.
- 3rd May
- The Paul Thorpe University Pairs.
- 6th and 7th May
- The ETwA National Pairs.
- 10th May
- The Family of the Sun Memorial Trophy to honour the alignment
of the planets on the 9th/10th.
- The Cantankerometer and Nick Ashley
are also running this term — please see these pages if you wish to
- Tuesday 25th of January 2000
- There will be a normal winks meeting on Wednesday,
and hopefully soon the schedule for the term will be fixed.
- Friday 21st of January 2000
- The 19th Cambridge Open will be held on
Saturday 22nd (tomorrow) from 10:30am-6pm and on
Sunday 23rd from 10:30am-5pm, in the Bowett Room,
Queens’ College.
- Wednesday 19th of January 2000
- This week’s meeting is a friendly start to the term.
Schedule for the rest of the term to follow.
We should have a visit from Andy Strange, here to show us his multimedia
tiddlywinks CD-ROM.
Michaelmas Term 1999
- Thursday 25th of November 1999
- This week’s crawl
has been confirmed as below.
There will be a final of the
Nick Ashley from 6pm
in the Castle Inn on Monday 29th.
- Tuesday 23rd of November 1999
- Provisionally, this week’s crawl
will be the town centre crawl on Sunday.
Wednesday’s meeting is the Manchester & Somerset Society University Singles.
- Thursday 18th of November 1999
- Friday’s pub crawl
will be the far end of Mill Road, meet 7 for 7:15 at Queens’.
- Monday 15th of November 1999
- The next pub crawl
will be on Friday.
- Thursday 11th of November 1999
- Pub crawl time and date has now been confirmed as given below.
- Wednesday 10th of November 1999
- At least provisionally, this week’s
pub crawl will be
the Maid’s Causeway crawl, meeting at Queens’ at 6:45 for 7:00.
- Monday 8th of November 1999
- This week’s pub crawl will be this Saturday. This is
advanced notice. Details to follow.
- Thursday 4th of November 1999
- You’re reminded that today’s (Thursday’s) trip to Oxford
will involve meeting at 4:50pm at the Stagecoach X5 stop at the bus station,
except for those who have arranged lifts.
We will do the Chesterton pub crawl on Saturday, starting at 7pm for 7:15 at
- Friday 29th of October 1999
- There will be a pub crawl this evening, Queens’ at
7:15 for 7:30 as usual. It will be the Hill’s Road crawl.
- Thursday 21st of October 1999
- There should be an article on the world singles title
in Saturday’s Cambridge Evening News.
There will also be a Q103 interview with Patrick broadcast tomorrow
(Friday) morning.
- Monday 18th of October 1999
- We know have the schedule for the rest of the term,
pub tour (decided in the meetings) excepted:
- 22nd October
- Patrick Barrrie will be defending his World Singles title against
Larry Khan of the colonies in The Castle Inn from 5:30pm. Support welcome.
- 23rd October
- Qualifying for the ETwA National Singles, in the Fitzpatrick Hall, Queens’ College
from 10:30am (prompt).
- 24th October
- The final of the National Singles in the Armitage Room in Queens’ (time tbd),
the Plate (for non-qualifiers) will be in the Bowett Room; novices are welcome.
- 27th October
- A friendly meeting to let us all recover from the Singles.
- 3rd November
- The Paul Thorpe, University Pairs tournament.
- 10th November
- The Bombardier Joogs (random pairs) tournament.
- 17th November
- A friendly tournament, to practice for the coming Sunday.
- 21st November
- The ETwA National Individual Handicapped Pairs novice-friendly tournament.
Held in the Mure Room, Merton College, Oxford.
(Transport from Cambridge will be available).
- 24th November
- The Manchester & Somerset Society University Singles Trophy.
- 1st December
- The Charles Relle (drunken mixed singles) trophy.
Location and starting time tbd.
- Thursday 14th of October 1999
- We now have confirmation that tomorrow’s pub crawl
will be meeting at Queens’ Porters’ Lodge at 7:30, for a 7:45 depart.
Please see the pub tour page for the route.
- Sunday 3rd of October 1999
- Welcome to all freshers. There will be the following events
at the start of term:
- 5-6th October
- CUTwC will be at the Freshers’ Fair in Kelsey Kerridge Sports Hall.
- 5th October, from 7:30pm
- CUTwC will be holding a squash upstairs in the Castle Inn on Castle Hill.
- 6th October, from 7:30pm
- The main CUTwC squash will be held in the Erasmus Room in Queens’ College.
- 13th October
- The first meeting of term, the President’s Memorial Pint
(in honour of the President’s late brain).
- 15th October
- The Freshers’ pub crawl, the first leg of the
CUTwC annual pub crawl of all Cambridge.
- 20th October
- The Nick Leaton Novices’ Trophy.
- 23rd-24th October
- The ETwA National Singles tournament, held in Cambridge
- 27th October
- The Paul Thorpe University Pairs Trophy.
Easter Term 1999
Sunday |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
April |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 National Pairs
& ETwA Congress |
25 National Pairs |
26 |
27 |
28 The Manchester & Somerset Society Trophy |
29 Pub crawl |
30 |
May |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 The Paul Thorpe University Pairs |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 The Varsity Match |
10 |
11 |
12 The AGM |
13 |
14 Pub crawl |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 The Peterhouse Pot |
20 |
21 Pub crawl |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 Beer Festival |
27 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
31 |
June |
1 |
2 Silver Wink |
3 |
4 pub crawl |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 Relle |
10 |
11 |
12 Muscovy Duck |
- Tuesday 1st of June 1999
- It has been confirmed that tomorrow’s meeting will be the
Silver Wink, departure as mentioned below. Please let the committee know asap
if you wish to spectate.
Next Wednesday’s meeting (on the 9th) will be the Relle, with the
entry qualification of two pints taking place in Queens’ Bar at 7:30pm.
The Muscovy Duck has been confirmed as being on the 12th.
There will be a trophy for the cantankerometer
which will be presented at the Relle, so all votes must be in by then.
Finally, there will be a pub crawl this Friday (the 4th) meeting
at Queens’ P’lodge 7:00pm for 7:15 departure. This will be the Victoria Road
crawl, and we traditionally don’t have much spare time on it, so please be
prompt. The first pub will be the Portland Arms on Mitcham’s Corner.
- Wednesday 26th of May 1999
- You’re reminded that this evening’s meeting will take place
at the Cambridge Beer Festival.
Provisionally, there will be a Silver Wink match in Oxford next Wednesday evening
— transport leaving Queens’ P’Lodge at 6pm. Please let someone on the committee
know if you’d like to spectate, to ensure there is car space for you.
- Thursday 20th of May 1999
- Next Wednesday’s meeting will take place at the
Cambridge Beer Festival in the Cambridge City Football Ground (off Milton Road
just up from Mitcham’s Corner — should be signposted, but if not head for
“coach park”); we’ll convene at 8pm as usual, and you’ll probably need money
to get in.
Also, don’t forget Friday’s crawl — meeting 7:10pm to leave at 7:20
at Queens’ p’lodge. The first pub will be the Spread Eagle on Lensfield Road.
- Monday 17th of May 1999
- This Wednesday’s tournament will be the Peterhouse Pot. There will
also (probably) be a pub crawl, likely to be the Cherry Hinton one, leaving from
Queens’ P’Lodge at 7:15pm on Friday.
- Thursday 13th of May 1999
- Since the AGM is over, we naturally have a new
Committee. To celebrate, there will be a pub crawl
leaving from Queens’ P’Lodge this Friday at 7:15pm. The crawl will begin at the Mitre
and proceed up Castle Hill, possibly acquiring bonus pubs from the Traditional
Victoria Road crawl.
- Wednesday 12th of May 1999
- Update! — The AGM will in fact be in the Castle Inn on Castle Hill, at 7:30pm.
- Wednesday 12th of May 1999
- It’s official, the AGM will be this evening, at 7:30pm, in Emma bar.
- Thursday 6th of May 1999
- The provisional location for the AGM (next Wednesday) is Emma bar.
- Tuesday 4th of May 1999
- The Varsity Match is confirmed as being at 11:00am on Sunday May 9th,
in the Angevin Room, in Queens’.
- Friday 30th of April 1999
- The York University Tiddlywinks Society has moved its web site.
- Thursday 29th of April 1999
- There will be a pub crawl this evening, route to be decided.
The Paul Thorpe University Pairs Trophy will be next Wednesday (5/5/1999).
The AGM will be the Wednesday after that (12/5/1999), location again tbd.
- Wednesday 28th of April 1999
- This evening’s tournament will be the Manchester &
Somerset Society University Singles Trophy. We also have news that the
Varsity match will be on Sunday 9th May, in Cambridge.
- Friday 23rd of April 1999
- Those heading to the National Pairs this weekend and
in need of a lift should be at Queens’ for an 8am departure tomorrow
(Saturday) morning. Anyone available only on Sunday should contact
me as quickly as possible;
I will be returning to Cambridge on Saturday evening and heading back
on the Sunday. The tournament itself starts at 10:30am.
- Monday 19th of April 1999
- Winks this (Easter) Term will be in the Bowett Room in
Queens’, not the Erasmus Room.
Patrick will be appearing on BBC Radio Shropshire at 9:30am on Tuesday 20th.
Lent Term 1999
Sunday |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
January |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 Cambridge Open
club birthday &
annual dinner |
17 Cambridge Open |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 |
30 pub crawl |
31 |
February |
1 |
2 |
3 The Paul Thorpe Trophy |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 The Bombardier Joogs |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 The Manchester & Somerset Society Trophy |
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
March |
1 |
2 |
3 The Peterhouse Pot |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 The Charles Relle Trophy |
11 |
12 |
13 National
Teams of Four |
14 National
Teams of Four |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 Circle Line Crawl
& Patrick on BBC News 24 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
31 |
- Friday 19th of March 1999
- The annual Circle Line crawl for this year will be on the 20th of March, aka tomorrow.
- Another short notice item for your delectation is that Patrick Barrrie will be on BBC News 24 between 15:30 and 15:45, also tomorrow.
- Friday 12th of February 1999
- The Peterhouse Pot for this term will be held on the third of March.
- Thursday 28th of January 1999
- There will be a pub crawl this Saturday, starting at Queens’ P’Lodge at 7:15pm.
Timmy has also booked the Erasmus Room from 4 until 7 that day for the purposes of Nick Ashley games.
- Monday 25th of January 1999
- The following schedule for this term has been announced:
- 3rd of February
- The Paul Thorpe (University Pairs) Trophy
- 17th of February
- The Bombardier Joogs (University Random Pairs) Trophy
- 24th of February
- The Manchester & Somerset Society (University Singles) Trophy
- 10th of March
- The Charles Relle (University Drunken Mixed Singles) Trophy
- There will also be an ongoing Cuppers tournament this term.
- Wednesday 20th of January 1999
- There is a new, ongoing Nick Ashley tournament this term, being organised by Timmy.
- Thursday 14th of January 1999
- This weekend (16th/17th) will be the Cambridge Open,
held in the Bowett Room, Queens’ College from 10:30-18:00 on Saturday and 10:30-17:00 on Sunday.
It is not necessary to play in every round, although to win you mustn’t miss more than two.
- Thursday 14th of January 1999
- Saturday 16th sees the Annual Dinner and club’s 44th birthday.
- Thursday 14th of January 1999
- Tournaments later this term include:
- 13th/14th of March, The Bowett Room, Queens’ College
- The National Teams of Four
- 24th/25th of April, Silwood Park
- The National Pairs
- ...and in the media:
- 20th April, 9:30am BBC Radio Shropshire
- Patrick will be putting in a live appearance.
- 20th March, 3:30pm BBC News 24
- Patrick Barrrie will be debating the need for winks to be declared sporting status (as chess has just been).
Michaelmas Term 1998
- Thursday 22nd of October 1998
- Whoops. Yes, sorry, The Moment Of Truth is on the 24th,
not the 31st, as I’d previously put it on the calendar.
- Tuesday 20th of October 1998
- You may have noticed that there was no pub crawl on Saturday
(oops — actually, I should have corrected this before — I hope no-one turned up),
and that there was no sign of Dr Purvis on the 10th.
The crawl will now happen on the 24th, which is also the new transmission date for the winking Moment of Truth.
To avoid further confusion, there’s now a calendar above [edit: updated for Lent/Easter],
which should make it easier to correct this kind of thing.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Also, belatedly, the Nick Ashley Trophy is running this term.
- Friday 9th of October 1998
- The provisional schedule for this term’s events is:
- 14th October, 8pm, The Erasmus Room, Queens’ College
- The first full meeting of term: The President’s Memorial Pint
- 17th October, 7:30pm, Queens’ Porters’ Lodge
- The first leg of the annual CUTwC pub crawl
- 21st October, 8pm, The Erasmus Room, Queens’ College
- The Nick Leaton (Novices’) Trophy
- 28th October, 8pm, The Erasmus Room, Queens’ College
- The Paul Thorpe (University Pairs) Trophy
- 31st October, University College Oxford, 90 High St Lecture Theatre
- New 1-day novice-friendly tournament (transport from Cambridge provided)
- 4th November, 8pm, The Erasmus Room, Queens’ College
- No tournament — friendly meeting
- 11th November, 8pm, The Erasmus Room, Queens’ College
- The Bombadier Joogs (Random Pairs) Trophy
- 18th November, 8pm, The Erasmus Room, Queens’ College
- The Manchester & Somerset Society (University Singles) Trophy
- 21st-22nd November, Queens’ College
- The National Singles
- 25th November, 8pm, The Erasmus Room, Queens’ College
- No tournament — friendly meeting
- 2nd December, time and place TBA
- The Relle
- ...and in the media:
- 10th October, 7:10pm ITV (this for Anglia — regions may vary)
- Andy Purvis will be making an appearance for ETwA on The Moment Of Truth
- 13th October, 7:30pm ITV (again, Anglia)
- CUTwC appear on A Way With Words
- Thursday 1st of October 1998
- Welcome to all freshers. There will be the following events at the start of term:
- 6-7th October
- CUTwC will be at the Freshers’ Fair in Kelsey Kerridge Sports Hall.
- 7th October, 8-10pm
- CUTwC will be holding a squash in the Bowett Room in Queens’ College. Come along and wink for a drink.
- 9th October, 7:30-9:30pm
- There will be a second CUTwC squash in the Butler House Party Room, Trinity College
(in the bit of Trinity near the University Library).
- 14th October, 8pm
- The first full meeting of the term will be in the Erasmus Room, Queens’ College.
- 21st October, 8pm
- Provisionally, this meeting (in the Erasmus Room, as usual) will be the Nick Leaton Novices’ Trophy.
Easter Term 1998
- Tuesday 22nd of September 1998
- There will be no winks tomorrow evening (23/9/1998). There will be winks on the 30th, though.
- Thursday 30th of June 1998
- Provisionally, there will be no winks next week (5/8/1998), due to a clash with the Beer Festival.
- Tuesday 28th of July 1998
- There will be winks as normal tomorrow evening in the Erasmus Room.
- Wednesday 22nd of July 1998
- Anglia Television want to film us tomorrow, for a programme called “A Way With Words”. They will be at the Castle Inn on Castle Hill at 5pm. We will probably stay there through normal meeting hours, and play/drink there.
- Wednesday 15th of July 1998
- To show willing, I believe there will be winks this evening, probably in the Erasmus Room. At least, I’m going to turn up (probably traditionally late), so I hope someone else will be there.
- Wednesday 8th of July 1998
- Again, there will be no winks this evening. Again, it’s likely that there will be next week.
- Wednesday 24th of June 1998
- Due to the absence of organised interest, there will be no winks this evening. There is likely to be next week, though.
- Tuesday 23rd of June 1998
- For those going to the London Open, the location of the Crofton Leisure Centre may be found here — I believe it’s attached to the school. Change the map scale to see the surroundings — it’s near the A2. There is (or was last year) a car park. I’ll probably be driving, so let me know if you’re in Cambridge and want a lift.
- Thursday 18th of June 1998
- The following ETwA and CUTwC events have been announced for the long vac:
- Saturday 4th July
- The London Open
10am to 6pm at the Crofton Leisure Centre. Swiss Pairs. Please contact Charles if you’re going.
- Saturday 25th/Sunday 26th July
- CUTwC Long Vac Tournament (possibly in addition to below)
- Saturday 8th August(?)
- The Monopoly Crawl
Annual London pub crawl.
- Saturday 15th/Sunday 16th August
- The Wessex Trophy
Relaxed ETwA tournament, held in Queens’ College Cambridge.
- Saturday 29th/Sunday 30th August
- CUTwC Long Vac Tournament (probably)
- Wednesday 17th of June 1998
- Unofficially, there will not be winks this evening, but there will be a committee meeting in the Mill at 8:30pm to discuss preparation for next term. Interested parties are welcome to attend.
- Monday 15th of June 1998
- The cricket match is now officially on Tuesday 16th (tomorrow) at 1pm, on Jesus Green.
- Friday 12th of June 1998
- The cricket match against the Bridge Club will provisionally be on Tuesday 16th. There are now no official CUTwC croquet matches, but spontaneous ones may still occur.
- Monday 8th of June 1998
- This week’s tournament will be the Charles Relle Trophy. Meet at 8pm in Queens’ Bar.
- Thursday 4th of June 1998
- (ETwA) A new Autumn one-day tournament for novices has been provisionally announced as being on 31st of October, at University College Oxford in the 90 High Street Lecture Theatre. To be confirmed.
- Thursday 28th of May 1998
- Both the aforementioned croquet matches have problems on their preliminary dates. Updates will appear here when available.
- Thursday 21st of May 1998
- The following dates have been pencilled in for this term’s events:
- Wednesday 10th June 1998
- Charles Relle Trophy
- Thursday 11th June 1998
- Varsity and Silver Wink photos, croquet in Robinson
- Friday 12th June 1998
- Provisional date for the cricket match against the Bridge Club
- Saturday 13th June 1998
- The Muscovy Duck tournament
- Sunday 14th June 1998
- CUTwC croquet match
- Tuesday 19th of May 1998
- This week’s meeting will be held at 8pm in the beer festival.
- Tuesday 19th of May 1998
- The London Open tournament has been confirmed to be on Saturday July 4th. Same venue as the last two years — more information to follow.
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