Pub crawls 1999-2000

CUTwC runs a series of pub crawls throughout the first two terms of the academic year, intending to visit every public house in Cambridge during that time. This is an excellent way to learn you way around Cambridge, so long as you don't mind asking "what pub's it near?" when being given directions.


Friday 16th June

(Meeting Queens' P'lodge at 7:00 for 7:15pm)

This year's crawl is now complete, although re-runs are likely.

See how we did in 1997-1998 or 1996-1997.
(Last year's pub crawl was unofficial).

Pubs visited so far: 109 (114, 115 including both Rat & Parrots)

Week 14

Thursday 11th May

(Meeting in the White Swan around 7:30)

"Near end of Mill Road"

"Middle of Mill Road"

Week 13

Wednesday 15th March (Relle combo crawl)

(Meeting in the Cross Keys at 7:00 for a 2-pint entry qualification)

And just for fun (outside the city limits)...

Week 12

Monday 13th March

(Meeting Queens' P'lodge at 7:15 for 7:30pm)

Week 11

Friday 10th March

(Meeting Queens' P'lodge at 7:15 for 7:30pm)

I will be re-running Quinn's (Downing Street) and The Castle (Regent Street), and Phil will be visiting the not-a-pub Rat & Parrot (Downing street) prior to this crawl. Meet at Quinn's at 7pm if you want to join me.

Week 10

Sunday 5th March

(Meeting Queens' P'lodge at 6:30 for 6:45pm)

Week 9

Friday 25th February

(Meeting Queens' P'lodge at 7:00 for 7:15pm)

And officially not-a-pub:

Week 8

Saturday 19th February

(Meeting Queens' P'lodge at 7:00 for 7:15pm)

Week 7

Thursday 10th February

(Meeting Queens' P'lodge at 7:00 for 7:15pm)

Week 6

Sunday 28th November

(Meeting Queens' P'Lodge at 7:00 for 7:15pm)

Week 5

Friday 19th November

Week 4

Saturday 13th November

Week 3

Saturday 6th November

Week 2

Friday 29th October

Week 1

Friday 1415th October