Liar Dice

CUTwC has been known to play with poker dice, in a closed container. Each player must state the number of dice (possibly zero) that they are rolling, then make a claim about the hand which is being passed. The recipient can choose to accept the dice, or dispute that the player has got the claimed hand, which is done by opening the box towards the player. A correct challenge results in the challenged player drinking and starting again; an incorrect challenge has the same consequences for the challenger.

Note that the hand in the box has to be at least as good as the claim, but not an exact match (e.g. a full house is a valid hand to claim as “a pair”). Each player must increase the bid from the previous hand, except that if five aces are accepted, the player must attempt this by rolling all five dice. Hands increase minimally - for example, “an unspecified pair” is beaten by “a pair of nines”, then “a pair of tens”, then “a pair of jacks” etc. up to “a pair of aces”, then “an unspecified two pair”. Two pairs are normally described as “value and value” (e.g. “tens and nines”) and a full house is described as the value of three dice “on” the value of the pair (e.g. “jacks on queens”). A low straight or high straight may be known as “a low/high dead-end bid” because of the difficulty improving it. A hand which contains nothing (except ace-high) is known as “Hancock’s brain”.

There is a variant known as “honest dice” which does not use the equipment. This is as preposterous as it sounds.

Note that it is common to have pigs and dice rotating in different directions around a table (skipping any player who is mid-play when the equipment reaches them). A reversage applies to both simultaneously.